09 | Reunion

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Chapter Nine

"Where's Bonnie?" Elena questions, rushing down the stairs into the kitchen.

"We told Matt to take her home. We thought it'd be best." Stefan informs, as Elena shrugs.

"Okay," she sighs, brushing past him, making her way into the kitchen. "Guess we're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way.."

"Do what?" Caroline pipes up,

Elena nods over to Damon. "Put his body on the couch." she demands, before she starts rummaging through the kitchen cabinets.

"Elena? Elena, you need help finding something?" Caroline cautions.

Elena pulls a bottle of lighter fluid out from one of the drawers. "Got it." she affirms, beginning to pour the fluid everywhere.

"What are you doing?" I speak up, rising from my spot at the kitchen table.

"We need a cover story, Cass." Elena looks over to me, her eyes flickering between the lot of us. "You think I didn't hear you guys talking earlier? Well, what are we gonna say? Animal attack? Tumble down the stairs? No. We burn the house down with him inside of it."

Elena continues pouring the lighter fluid around the entire house. "Elena stop!" I shout, as tears grow in my eyes.

"Why, because you want me to not be in denial? You want me to face the truth?" Elena babbles, causing my face to fall. "This is the truth, Cassidy. I don't want to live here anymore."

"But I do!" I argued, sobbing as I raced over to her, attempting to tear the bottle from her hands, only for her to pour some on me.

"Elena!" Stefan shouts, as I let out a cough.

"What?" Elena spat, pouring lighter fluid over Jeremy's drawings before she kicks his xbox off the shelf. "I don't want these sketches, I don't want this xbox. Not gonna need this bourbon anymore. Alaric isn't here to drink it, I mean, unless you guys are willing to bring back every supernatural creature on the other side to get him hick. Would you?"

My sister's eyes scanned the room. "I know you want your drinking buddy back. Would you, Damon? Because I wouldn't." Elena acknowledged, brushing past his shoulder with the bottle of bourbon in hand.

"I don't know. I mean, does that make me a bad person? I have no idea." Elena slid Jeremy's ring off his finger. "He's not gonna need that anymore."

"Elena, stop it! You're scaring me!" I cried,

"What else are we supposed to do with the body, Cassidy?" Elena addresses, pulling a picture of her, Jeremy, and I off of the fireplace, smashing it on the floor. "I mean, there's no room in the Gilbert family plot. Jenna and John took the last spots-"

"No, no, Elena. Stop." Stefan pleads, as Elena swipes a match under the fireplace.

"There's nothing here for us anymore, Stefan. Every inch of this house is filled with memories of the people that Cassidy and I love that have died..." Elena sobs, "Our mom, our dad, Jeremy, and Jenna and Alaric, John- even John. I mean, they're all dead. Everyone is dead. So what am I supposed to..I mean, how am I gonna..I can't even..There's nothing left for me-"

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