14 | Good-Looking Guy

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Chapter Fourteen

"Calculator, calculator, where is the calculator.." Elena rambled on, waking me up.

I groaned, stretching my arms as I sat up on the couch. "Could you be any louder?" I yawned.

She shot me a glare. "Have you seen my calculator?"

I nodded towards Kai, who was now lying in a hospital bed, meaning Alaric had to modify our sleeping arrangements in order to keep him alive.

"Of course. Under the catatonic serial killer." she mumbles, grabbing her calculator and dropping it in her purse with two fingers as if it were infected.

"Elena.." I warn, still sitting on Alaric's couch.

"Right, sorry. It's probably not appropriate to call your sister's crush a serial killer.." she apologized, digging through her purse.

"He isn't my-" I started, until the front door opened, cutting me off.

"Hey." Damon announced.

"Hey." Elena and I responded in unison,

"Sandwich?" he offered Elena, making his way over to us.

"I can't. I'm late for my volunteer shift at the hospital." she replied, taking a bite of the sandwich as he held it out.

I leaned forward, grabbing the brown bag from Damon's hand. I sat back and unwrapped a sandwich, pulling one of my knees up to my chest.

"Okay, oh- that's new." Damon pointed to Elena's new daylight ring as she took a sip of coffee.

"Oh, yeah. Cassidy made me a new one." she smiled at me, wiggling her fingers. "You like?"

"Depends. Does it work?" Damon questioned, glaring at me, to which I childishly stuck my tongue out.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Elena joked,

"Yeah, inside. In the shade." Damon clarified.

"Oh my god.." I chewed on my sandwich, getting up from the couch in frustration, dragging Elena by the arm over to the closest window, where I opened the curtains, and she remained perfectly intact.

"See? It works." I growled, trudging back over to the couch, taking another bite of my sandwich. "I know you probably have doubts about my magic, even I do..but it doesn't work any less than another witch's. If anything, I'm more powerful than most.."

"Yes, except for the fact that you don't know what you're doing." Damon acknowledged.

"Hey, Jo taught me how to do it. And I still remember a little bit of what Bonnie taught me.." I defended.

"Bonnie taught you magic?" Elena rose her eyebrows,

"In the prison-world, yeah- don't you have a shift to get to?" I question, with my mouth full.

"Yeah. And Damon, a little support towards Cassidy wouldn't kill you.." she pointed out.

"Speaking of killing people..." Damon muttered, walking towards a comatose Kai.

I groaned as I leaned back on the couch, propping my feet up on the coffee table.

"Still counting sheep? Or whatever the hell you psychopaths dream of." Damon poked Kai.

"Look, Alaric's gone out of town to get some mystical thingamabob to give Jo an edge, and your job is to babysit Kai, not smother him with a pillow." Elena informs.

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