28 | Bachelorette Party

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Caroline's humanity is back, Bonnie stole the ascendant back from Lily, Elena found out Damon was hiding the cure from her after Lily threatened to destroy it, and Damon said he would take the cure with my sister.

Although I feel like my life is a living soap opera, I'm angry.

Scratch that- I'm infuriated.

Bonnie took the ascendant back from Lily, which means if I want Kai back, I have to come up with a plan to steal it back.

After I spent an entire evening in the Salvatore library, hoping to get some reading in, Elena and Bonnie hired a cop-stripper to surprise Jo at the hospital.

As uncomfortable as that made me, I was able to get a good laugh. But, given the fact that Jo was hormonal and always hungry, it was my job to reserve a whole diner for her party.

"An entire diner to ourselves?" Jo announces, munching on her burger. "Actual heaven."

"If Caroline were here, we would be planning a spa day." Elena acknowledges, as I pop a few fries in my mouth.

"But now she's M.I.A." Bonnie adds.

"Understandable, considering.." Jo takes another bite of her burger,

"So, I figured we'd just stuff our faces." Elena addresses.

"You're geniuses." Jo continues shoveling food in, as I slowly eat a few more fries.

"Except, aren't you a vegetarian?" Bonnie narrows her eyes.

"Bonnie, don't ruin it." Elena mumbles,

"I'm just saying that's not exactly a garden burger." Bonnie raises an eyebrow.

"The baby is not okay with the 'no meat' thing. Besides, it's my party, and I'll eat what I want to." Jo clarifies, taking a sip of her milkshake. "I do wish this was vodka, though."

"Right.." Elena sighs.

"Hey- I don't want to know what Ric's doing, do I?" Jo questions, as Elena's face drops, along with Bonnie and I.

"Probably at the movies." I chime in, taking a sip of my milkshake.

"Yeah, or- or mini golf." Elena offers, as Bonnie and I nod.

Bonnie and I share a laugh, causing Elena to smile.

"Yeah, uh huh..I need ketchup." Jo shakes her head, rising from hear seat, taking off to go find some ketchup.

Bonnie slides over into Jo's seat, watching Elena sip her milkshake. "So, are we gonna talk about it?" Bonnie proposes.

"What?" Elena casually looks up.

"Seriously? You're gonna make your best friend have to pry it out of you?" Bonnie asserts, causing Elena's eyebrows to furrow. "I know about the cure, Elena."

"You do?" Elena breathes, adjusting her seat. "How is that even possible?"

"Even I know." I break in, shrugging as I eat another fry, gaining their attention. "News travels fast.."

"Well, Damon called me last night, and he told me everything..including his insane plan to take it with you." Bonnie claims.

"Damon called you?" Elena's eyes grow narrow.

"He needed someone to talk to after you left the conversation without telling him what you were thinking." Bonnie replies, raising her eyebrows.

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