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Hailey, Andrew, Jack, and I were sitting in the back of one cop car. Matt, Blake, Jeremy, and Ryan were in the other car. We had no idea what was going on. The police just came and put us in cuffs. We got to the station where they led us all in a separate room.

"Are you-" one of the policemen started looking at his paperwork "Andrew, Blake, Hailey, Jack, Jeremy, Matt, Nate, and Ryan Evans?"

We all nodded as he continued to speak.

"We have received many complaints about you eight getting into too many fights, it could get too dangerous" another cop said to us.

"Again?" Ryan complained.

The police nodded, then our lawyer came in, they probably called him from our personal information.

"Hello, I'm Austin Alberts, the kids' lawyer" he said shaking their hands. "May I speak to them alone?" he asked the policeman.

The police agreed and they all left the room. Austin took a chair and sat in front of us making eye contact with each one of us.

"Another fighting arrest?" he told us.

None of us answered.

"You know, I can't keep bailing you guys out" he said, still with no response. "I love you kids as my own, but you have to stop with the fighting"

"We don't start them!" Hailey protested.

"I know you don't, but at least try to walk away from them, agreed?"

"Agreed" we said in unison.

"And I'm still working on getting you eight adopted" Austin told us.

"What if we don't want to get adopted?" I spoke up.

"I know you're too old to forget the past but-" Austin began.

"We stick together Austin" Andrew started.

"It won't be like that forever" Austin debated.

"We'll try to keep it that way then!" Jack shot.

"Austin, you can try to put us in different homes, but we already have a family. With Marylyn and Paul" Blake explained.

"Paul and Marylyn are just your foster parents"

"They care about us" Matt said.

"They love you kids, they love you as their own children. But if you love something, you have to let it go" Austin answered.

"I'm not leaving my fosters" Jeremy said.

"Me neither" I said and the others agreed.

Austin bailed us out of jail and drove us home. "I won't tell Marylyn and Paul about this" Austin told us looking through his car mirror.

We were all squished in the back seats and Hailey was sat in the front. We thanked him and got to our house, at this time it was already dark outside.

"Remember what I told you, just walk away" Austin said.

We all nodded and got out of the car. We opened the door and went inside the house.

"Where have you been?!" Marylyn exclaimed. "Are you okay? Any bruises?" she asked checking all our faces.

"We're fine" Ryan mumbled.

"You guys got in another fight! You know how many worried parents called us?" Paul yelled.

"We're sorry" Hailey said teary eyed.

"Yeah, we talked to Austin and-" Jeremy started.

"Austin?" Paul asked confused.

"Way to go you ninny" Matt told Jeremy elbowing him in the arm.

"We sort of, kind of, may have, gotten arrested" I told them.

"What?!" Paul and Marylyny said at the same time.

"You went to jail again?" Marylyn asked.

"Austin bailed us out" Andrew said.

"You can't always count on Austin kids. He may be our lawyer but he can't solve all our problems" Paul said.

"What did you and Austin talk about?" Marylyn asked us.

"We promised him we would stop with the fights" Jack said.

"And the arrests" I added.

"Good" Paul said.

"Anything else?" Marylyn asked glancing at me.

We all shared looks at each other. "Are we going to leave?" Ryan asked.

Paul and Marylyn looked at one another then at us.

"We love you guys, we're a family. But one day someone is going to want to take you home with them" Marylyn told us.

"We're not separating" Matt said in a serious tone.

"Matt, you know someone's going to adopt you, all of you" Paul said.

"Who would want someone who gets in fights at school, has a criminal record, and is known as 'troubled' " Hailey asked.

"Some people" Marylyn told us.

"Doubt it, I'm not leaving my fosters" Andrew said.

Marylyn smiled. "I know, we're our own family right now" she said hugging us.

"Now go up to bed, your need your sleep. Tomorrow's Saturday"


"If you could go anywhere, where would it be?" I asked my fosters. We were at a small park throwing a ball back and forth.

"China!" Matt beamed.

"Why?" I asked him.

"I've always wanted to learn the language" he answered.

"I'd go to Narnia" Blake said to us.

"YES!" Andrew exclaimed.

"It's all about Hogwarts" Jeremy said.

"In all seriousness, I would go to America" Hailey spoke. "It seems like the best country" she added throwing the ball to Jack.

"I would go there too" he agreed.

"I'd go to Ireland" Ryan said.

"Why?" Hailey asked him.

"Because of Niall Horan" he said pointing out the obvious.

"Who?" Blake asked.

"Niall Horan" Jeremy said.

"I got that" Blake said sarcastically.

"He's that guy from that band" Jack said.

"He's the blonde one" Ryan added.

"You just know him because you're both blonde!" Andrew said.

"Damn right! Blondes rule!" We all laughed at his comment.

"Wait! I think I know him!" Hailey exclaimed. "He was on the X-Factor!"

"Yep" Jeremy said.

"Still don't know him" Blake said.

"Me neither" Matt added.

"They're like really famous" Hailey told them.

"You know Hails, you look like one of them" Jack pointed out.

Uh, oh.

"Did you just say I look like a boy?" she giggled.

"No! Like you can be a girl version" Jack replied.

I threw the ball to him so he can shut up. Like I said before, I was the only one who knew about Hailey. And Marylyn and Paul were specifically told not to say anything until she was 18. The truth is, I knew all about this band. One more than the others.


"Marylyn, how did Paul find Hailey?" my 14 year old self asked.


"Why won't you tell me?"

She looked at Paul. "I think he's old enough to know" he told her.

"Nate, your foster sister's birth family gave her up at birth. Paul found her at the infirmary and brought her here. Hailey has a brother" she said getting up and going through the drawers.

She came back with a photo of a boy with green eyes and dimples, just like Hailey.

"Why did the mom keep him and not Hailey?" I asked.

"We don't know" Paul said.

"Nate, don't say this to Hailey. We're going to tell her in a few years" Marylyn told me.

"Why?" I asked her.

Marylyn gave me another paper with writing on it:

This baby girl's name is Hailey, she has an older sister and a twin brother. We prefer you don't tell her about her family until the day she turns 18, as the same will be done with the boy. Sincerely yours, Dr. Dickson

I gave the note back to Marylyn and nodded my head, agreeing not to say anything.

~End of Flashback~

"Hey Nate! Catch!" Matt yelled throwing the ball to me.

I got caught off guard and got hit in the arm.

"Hey!" I yelled grabbing the ball from the ground and throwing it at him.

We all laughed it off, we were have a nice time until...

"Evans'!" We all turned to the sound and saw Ian with his six friends and sister.

"What do you want Ian?" Ryan yelled.

"What? I can't see the orphans?"

I clenched my fists, all they ever wanted was trouble.

"We don't want to start anything" Jack said.

"Are the orphans scared? Where are your friends? Oh wait, you have no friends, like you have no family!" Ian said.

"Remember guys," Hailey muttered.

We grabbed our stuff and began to walk away, Ian called for us but we tried to ignore him.

"No wonder you parents abandoned you!" he spat.

I turned and stomped to him dropping my stuff on the ground, I grabbed his shirt. My fosters went after me, but I kept walking. I raised my fist to his face.

"What did you say to us?" I said clenching my jaw.

He just looked me in the eye and stayed silent. I let him go and shoved him to the floor. I grabbed my things and walked back home with my fosters.

When we got home we sat in the living area trying to process everything.

"I can't believe we let them go!" Matt exclaimed.

"Matt, we promised" Andrew stated.

"I'm really getting pissed at being called orphans" Blake confirmed.

"We all are" Ryan agreed.

"They piss me off in general" I said and sat next to Hailey.

"On a total different subject, Hailey your birthday" Hailey began to blush, this year she was turning...18.

"Anything you want" Jeremy asked her.

"Besides a life, not really" she said.

"Come on Hails, you have to want something" Jack told her.

"I already have my fosters" she said.

We all cheered and hugged her. 'Not for long' I thought to myself.

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