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Thanks for the reads and votes in the first part of Styles Twins? make sure to vote and comment in this one too!! I really like it when you do!! PWEASE!!! And someone asked me how I write the chapters. I honestly don't know, I just listen to some music and type, my husbands mostly, haha! Sorry if you expected more :-/. Okay on with the story!



"Thanks for the help" I said facing Niall.

"No problem" he told me, a smile sprouting from his face.

I smiled back and began walking back.

"Hailey?" I twisted my head and faced him. "You are coming, right?"

I laughed silently and nodded. I walked outside and took out the phone Harry leant me. I've never really had a cell phone before let alone an iPhone. It seemed very high tech and smart. I opened the small app with the phone on it and went to the keypad typing in my home number.

"Hello? Who is this?" Paul said into the phone.

"Paul, it's Hailey" I laughed.

"Hailey? Why are you calling from an unknown number?"

"I'm using Harry's phone" I told him looking around to see if there was any red and blue lights from a cop car.

"Harry's? You mean you saw him?" he said excitement in his voice.

"Yeah that's kind of why I called you. Harry and his friends want me to go on tour with them?" I said more like a question.

"That's great Hailey! You should go!" He answered.

"Are you sure? You guys are okay with the school and all?"

"They haven't touched us since Austin talked to them. But I don't know if they're still looking for you which is why I think you should leave before they find you" he explained.

I took a deep breath. That did seem like the good thing to do. But the tour was 13 months long, and I promised I would be back. I was weighing my options here. I finally made my decision. He was my twin! What else was I going to do?

"Okay, I promise I'll be back in a year! Tell Marylyn, Nate, and the others I said I love them and I'll miss them and I'll try to call" I said biting my nail.

"I will. Bye Hailey. And good luck with your brother"

"Thank you Paul, goodbye"

I hung up the phone and put it inside my make-up bag since I didn't want it to get wet inside my pocket. I opened the umbrella and went in the rain. I didn't know where to go, I had nowhere to stay and I was leaving tomorrow. How the hell was Harry going to send me the ticket if I had nowhere to go?! As I walked in the wet I heard an annoying tune coming from my bag. I opened it and saw the lit up cell phone reading 'Louis'.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey! It's Harry!"

I sighed in relief, not that I didn't hope it wasn't Louis just that it was Harry so I could talk to him. Does that make sense?

"Hey" I said looking at the street of cars passing by. "What's up?"

"Look at the side of the pavement" he told me.

Confusion got to me as I looked around. I found someone under an umbrella holding a sign that said my name. I walked over to him.

"Hailey Styles?" He asked.

I almost said he had the wrong person before I realised my last name was Styles. I nodded as he took my duffel bag and make-up bag.

"Did you do this?" I asked Harry who was still on the phone.

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