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"Now what's the 4 squared times 5?" Hailey asked me.

We were studying for our test tomorrow and I had no idea how to do any math! She may be younger than me but she was smart.

"Umm?" I said scribbling on my paper "80?"

"Yes!" Keep this up Matt, you'll be acing geometry!" she exclaimed.

She gave me a celebratory hug.

"Thanks Hails" I told her grabbing my books and going to my room.

On my way down the hallway I overheard Marylyn and Paul talking to each other.

"It's been 17 years Paul. I can't keep it from her anymore" Marylyn said to him.

"Four more days" Paul said.

Four more days? Let's see, it was January 28. Four days from now is February 1, Hailey's birthday.

"Is it strange that I also don't want to tell her?" Marylyn told Paul.

"Why wouldn't you want to tell her?"

"Paul, you know Hailey. Once she finds out she's going to go off to see them"

"Which is why we got everything prepared for this"

"Prepared for what?" I asked walking out.

"They looked at me startled.

"Matt! How long have you been standing there?" Marylyn asked me.

"Long enough to know that something is happening on Hailey's birthday" I answered "So, what is going on?"

"You'll find out on that day" Paul said.

I have them a confused look and walked away. I wonder what they were talking about?


"Test time" the professor muttered.

He passed down the papers, I took mine then took a deep breath. 

The bell rang for lunch, I turned in my paper and walked out of the class.

"Hey orphan!" someone yelled.

I slowly turned and faced the stranger.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Where are the others?" he sneered.

I exhaled sharply.

"They're not here? Bummer. I wanted to do something together" he said.

He raises his hand and swung at me. I instantly ducked as he punched the lockers behind me. He groaned in pain and used his other hand to hit me. I blocked it with my arm and my instinct was to hit back since that's what I always did. I hit him in the stomach then stepped back. I didn't mean to do that. I stumbled back and walked away fast.

"You okay Matt?"

I turned and saw Jeremy standing next to me.

"Jeremy! Yeah, I'm fine"

We walked to our table where Jack, Nate, and Ryan already sat. Nate was stuffing his mouth with a sandwich, Ryan was on his phone, and Jack was focused on his studies.

"Damn Jack! Can't you take a break?" Jeremy said sitting next to him.

I sat myself next to Nate and decided to bring up what happened last night.

"Hey, do any of you know about Hailey?" I asked.

"Matt, she's our foster sister" Ryan stated the obvious.

"No, I mean her back story" I said.

"No" Hack said and Ryan shook his head along with Jeremy.

"Nate?" I said.

He shifted and took another bite from his food.

"You know!" Ryan exclaimed.

"What? Pssh, no!" Nate debated.

"You're not a good liar" Jack confirmed.

"Tell us" Jeremy added.

"Look! There's Blake, Andrew, and Hailey!" he said pointing in their direction.

"Hey guys" Blake said sitting next to me.

"Matt! How did your exam go?" Hailey asked me.

"I think I did well" I answered.

She smiled tucking hair behind her ear and propping her head on her hands.


We recognised that voice from anywhere, we turned our heads to the sound.

"Hey Evans family" Ian said sitting in the middle of our group, four in each side.

"What do you want Ian?" Andrew asked.

"I wanted to talk to the orphans"

We all glared at him.

"Girl orphan!"

"I have a name" Hailey said clenching her jaw.

"Yeah! Orphan girl. So I hear you turn,nh the big 18 on the first" Ian told her.


"Would you like an early birthday present?" he asked her.

I looked down and saw he was trying to get up Hailey's skirt.

"Get off my sister!' I yelled punching him in the chin.

Hailey got up and slapped him, she ran away.

"Why are you touching her?!" Jack spat kicking him.

Me and my foster brothers got to him, but Ian's friends tried to fight us off. We were getting into another fight. The guy swung at my shoulder but I grabbed his hand and hit him in the stomach. People started surrounding us as we were pounding on each other.

"Stop! Stop it! Nothing to see here! Move along! Evans'!" somebody was yelling.

I turned my head, keeping grip to the boy's shirt, and saw a teacher with her arms crossed. I immediately let go of him and let him fall to the ground.

"It's not what it looks like" Blake told her.

"That's what you Evans always say"

"Where's Hailey?" Nate asked.

"Someone look for the girl and follow me" she told us.

"Wait!" Jack said "Please miss, one more trip to the office and we're gone"

"You should've thought of that before" she told him.

"Please, we can't afford another school" Ryan added.

"She looked at us, then at the boys in the floor.

"Okay" she said.

"What! Take them! They're a disgrace to the school!" Ian yelled.

"Maybe it should be YOU I should take to the principle" she yelled at him.

Wow. The first teacher to take OUR side.

"Come on, lets go look for Hails" Jeremy said.

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