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Shout out to @wierd_directioner !! Thank you for voting and commenting! ily!! So this chapter is dedicated to that account c:



"We should go back to the hotel room before the cops get here" I told Hailey hopping off the bar stool.

She nodded and followed me outside, we got a cab and made conversation o our way there.

"So you grew up here?" Hailey asked looking out the window.

"Not in this area, but yeah. Ireland is my home" I answered.

She turned to face me and smiled a then looked back out the window. We stayed silent for the rest of the car ride. When we got to the hotel Harry ran up to her and hugged her as Hailey rolled her eyes.

"Are you okay? Where were you? Why did you beat that girl? How-"

"Harry! I'm fine, I was with Niall, and I got to her because she's a bitch" Hailey answered.

"I was just worried okay, you and Niall just ran off and"

"And nothing else happened, the security was coming and I can't afford to go back to prison. It's not fun there you know"

Harry smiled at Hailey's small joke, "Okay, as long as you're okay it's fine I guess"

"I'm going to bed now" Hailey said beginning to pull her hair out of the millions of pins she had. She went into her room and I sat on the living room couch, Louis sat next to me and looked at me wanting an answer.

"What is it Louis?" I asked him turning on the television.

"What did you and Hailey do?"

"We went to a diner and had some coffee, why do you ask?"

"Was it a date?"

"Lou, we were hiding from the police! Of course it wasn't a date! Anyways, I know you fancy her and I wouldn't do that to you" I said changing the channel.

"Yeah, I guess I'm kind of over reacting" he said brushing his hair.

"Kind of?"

He grabbed the pillow he was lying on and hit me across head, I got another pillow and hit him in the stomach. I laughed and sat back down.

"When are you going to ask her?" I asked him.

"Ask who what?"

"Hailey, when are you asking her out??" I explained the obvious.

"I don't think I can, she probably doesn't even look at me that way" he looked at his hands. I took the pillow again and hit his head getting a shock yet pissed look on his face. "What was that for?!?!"

"To make you stop think stupidly!" I exclaimed "How will you know if she fancies you if you won't ask her?"

"I don't think I could take the rejection" he answered. I hit him again with the pillow.

"How do you know she'll reject you if you won't ask her?"

"You're not going to take no for an answer are you?"

"No I am not, Louis it just takes a few seconds of bravery and you won't regret it"

"Okay. I'll do it! I'm going to do it right now!" he yelled getting up and walking to the hall.

"She's asleep" I called keeping my eyes on the TV.

"I'm going to do it tomorrow morning!" he yelled again sitting back down on the sofa. I chuckled and continued channel surfing.

*** *** ***

"Niall! Niall wake up!" someone whispered in my ear.

I groaned and turned the other way when they whispered again, I turned around and saw Louis looking at me.

"What do you want?" I complained.

"Hailey's in the living room, what should I do?"

"Louis, I thought you were asking her on a date"

"I was going to! But she was just sitting there when I woke up and..."

I stared at him with my eyes still half asleep, I groaned and got up from my bed and joined Hailey.

"Morning!" she chirped flipping the pages of the paper in front of her.

"Good morning" I replied rubbing my eyes and sitting next to her. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Can you, uh, go down the elevator and come back up with Louis?" I asked the first thing coming to mind.

"Sure, do you want me to get you anything or something?"

"No, just do that"

She gave me a confused look knitting her eyebrows. "You want me to go down the lift, get out, and come back up with nothing?"

"Yeah" I answered.

She opened her mouthed about to say something but closed it shaking her head. I walked out to the hall where Louis was waiting.

"There, now let me sleep" I said to him going back to my bed.


Okay! I admit it! I got the seconds of bravery thing from 'We Bought A Zoo' but I just thought it was a good quote for this situation you know?! Any wey heys I just realized that one of Hailey's foster brothers Ryan Evans has the same name as the one in High School Musical! Ha I didn't even know I did that lol!! VOTE AND COMMENT.

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