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School was finally over. I was the first one out along with Ian's sister, Valerie.

"Orphan!" she called. 

 I turned to face her.

"What do you want Valerie?"

"I like your necklace, I know his paper plane from anywhere" she told me.

His? I looked down at the small plane around my neck, who else had this necklace? They didn't sell it anywhere.

"This is my necklace" I told her.

"It's mine now!" she said grabbing the chain and yanking it off.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled.

"No!" she sneered.

She walked down the hall and out the door, and I stood there in shock. She had just taken the only thing that connected to my birth family.

"Hails!" somebody called.

I didn't turn, I just stared in the direction my necklace had gone.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked me.

"Uh, y-yeah" I mumbled.

I turned around and started to walk home.

"Hailey! Ryan!" I heard Jack call.

I kept walking down the street then my fosters came up by my side.

"What happened?" Blake asked me.

"It's okay, lets just go home" I replied.

The rest if the walk home was silent. We got to our door and I walked in.

"How was school?" Marylyn asked us.

I dodged the question and went straight to my room. I went up to my mirror and looked at the empty spot on my chest. I placed my hand where my necklace used to be. I threw myself on my bed and felt a tear roll down my face.


I looked at my door and saw Nate standing at the frame.

"Nate!" I said sitting up and wiping my face.

"Something happened at school" he determined.

"It's fine"

"No. It's not"

I looked him in the eye, he knew me too well.

"Dinner!" Marylyn called.

I got off my bed and walked out with Nate. I say in my original seat around the table.

"Is everything alright?" Paul asked.

I nodded and grabbed my plate.

"Hailey, where's your necklace?" Marylyn pointed out.

"Um, I-I took it off" I told them, even though I wasn't looking at them I could tell they didn't believe me.

I never took that paper plane necklace off. Ever.


I walked into the familiar halls, I was determined to get my paper plane back. I found Valerie surrounded by other girls, I went right up to her.

"Give it back!" I yelled.

"Give what back? You weirdo!"

"Give me. My necklace. Back." I said clenching my fists.


I slapped her face and pushed her to the floor. I got on top I her, I kept hitting her until she would give it back.

"Hailey Evans!!" the principle yelled.

I kept beating on Valerie, I wasn't going to give up until I had the piece of metal that completed me.

"Get her off me!!" Valerie whined.

I grabbed the chain just in time as I was pulled off her. I was pushed into Principle Jackson's office.

"I warned you Evans" he said pointing to me.

"Principle Jackson, she st-"

"I don't want to hear it! Hailey Evans, you are expelled! Leave this school immediately!"

I stared at him in shock, he wasn't joking. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Okay," I muttered "I'll leave"

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