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So far we have invited...a lot of people. I couldn't so the math. We tried everything we could to get the word out there and maybe Harry's sister can find us. What I feared was that the fans would find us with all the information we were giving out.

"Okay! We have nothing else to do but wait" I said sitting on the couch of mine and Harry's flat.

"Oh no" he smirked "you have to go get some supplies for this"

"Why me?"

"Because you're the oldest" he answered giving me a list.

Anything you can find :)

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow. He nodded signaling for me to go and I stood up and went out the door with Paul. I prepared myself for the screaming girls we were about to go through. We whet into the car and drove to the store.

"Can you tell me why Harry is throwing another party?" Paul asked me as we drove.

"He's looking for his sister" I answered.


"Yeah, he just found out he had a twin sister and he's desperate to find her" Paul nodded and his eyes widened, but I decided to let it go. Once we were at the grocery store I grabbed the first three things on the list and went to the crisps isle when someone bumped into me.

"I'm sorry" we both said at the same time making us laugh. I looked up and found her beautiful green eyes.

"Hailey?" I asked looking at her as if she had two heads.

"How do you know my name?" She asked confused and worried. I hope she doesn't think I've been stalking her, but technically I have been.

"Um...I'm Louis" I told her holding out my hand to shake hers "I'm friends with your brother" She gave me a blank look, right she has seven foster brothers "Your brother Harry"

Her eyes lit up and she smiled "Harry?" she beamed.

"Yeah, I can-"

"Why am I finding you everywhere near these boys" Paul calls from down the isle.

Hailey's smile disappears when she sees Paul walking towards us. "I'm sorry, I'll leave" she said walking away. I grab her hand before she can go which sends electricity through out my body.

"Wait! We're having a party Saturday. Harry would really like to see you there" I tell her.

Her smile comes back and she nods. I let her go and she walks out of the store.

"Louis? Are you okay?" Paul asks. I noticed that I've been looking at her until she left and I haven't moved from where I stood.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine"

"Come on then"


"Lou?" I heard Harry's voice interrupt my thoughts. Ever since I saw Hailey I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile, her eyes, her dimples. She looked prettier in person than on paper.

"Yeah?" I said being pulled out of my daydream about Hailey.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. "Is it a girl?"

"Um yes it is, I met her at the grocery store" I left out the part of her being his twin sister.

"Is she hot?"

"Yeah! But I don't think you two would be able to date"

"Why not?" He asked.

"She...can be like your sister" I answered. He scrunched up his nose and shook his head.

I haven't told Harry about Hailey, yet. I decided it should be a surprise seeing Hailey, one hell of a surprise! Hopefully he won't hate me for fancying her, being an overprotective brother or something. Wait, did I just say I fancied Hailey? Did I fancy her? I've only met her once. Was that enough? I don't know.

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