Chapter 10

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Tris pov

It's been a week and Tobias and I relationship is going really well. Al hasn't talked to me, it's like he's nervous or scared.

Tobias and I were doing homework at his house. Then he started kissing me. I kissed back at first but, instead of pulling away I continued to let him kiss me.

I lay down on his bed and he climbs over me and we continue to kiss. He kicks our books on the floor and it makes me laugh. I pull away from our long kiss and give him the look.

He knows what the look means- it means we're going to far. Our make out sessions can be intense, but he knows that we have to stop, nothing more than kissing right now.

"I know, I know" he says climbing off of me.

"I love you" I say kissing his head.

"Love you too" he says, then I get out of bed to grab the books that he kicked on the floor.

"Was it really necessary to kick our books off the bed" I said laughing. He gets out of bed and helps me pick up the books.

I put the books on the desk near his bed then he wraps his arms around me. I turn us to look at the mirror.

He's resting his hands on my belly. I smile at the mirror and that makes him chuckle.

"What" I say smiling

"Your just so perfect" he says

"No ones perfect" I say turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck

"You are" he says chuckling

"Shut up" I say giving him a soft kiss. He tries to kiss back but I pull away.

He picks me up and starts to tickle me on his bed. I just giggle and laugh while Tobias tickles me.

His mom, Evelyn walks In and Tobias stops tickling me.

"Hi mom" Tobias says and gets off of me.

"Hi kids, I was just making sure everything was okay up here" Evelyn says with a look.

"I also wanted to tell you that dinner is done if you two were ready to come down" she adds

"Yeah we'll be down in a minute, we're just finishing up homework" Tobias answers

"Homework" his mom says winking and I laugh.

"Okay mom bye" Tobias says and she leaves laughing. I just sit there laughing too.

Tobias looks at me and smiles. He gives me a small kiss then helps me up from his bed.

We go downstairs to go to the dinning table and my parents are sitting there, along with Tobias parents. Duh, Tobias parents are going to be sitting at the table because they live here.

( okay I'm changing the ages and their grades, Tris is 15 about to turn 16 and Tobias is 17- tris is a sophomore and Tobias is a junior)

"Hi mom, dad, what are you doing here" I say

"Well I know on your birthday your going out with your friends and since we always celebrate together. I thought we could still celebrate." My mom says almost in tears.

"Mom, don't cry" I say walking over to her and giving her a hug

"It's just my baby- is growing up and- already having a baby" she says crying in between words.

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