Chapter 22

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Tris pov

I walk into the councilors office and there's me the councilor and a girl who looks like a freshman. I think she's pregnant, she has a small bump.

"Hi, Ms.Matthews, why am I here" I say

"Well I was wondering if you can do something for me" Ms.Matthews says

"Um" I say

"What is it" I add

"Well this is Lea" she says pointing to

"She's a freshman and shes pregnant" she explains

"And I'm here why" I say confused

"Because you have experience with being pregnant as a teenager in high school" she says and I have a really confused face.

"I was wondering if you could be Lea's mentor and help her through this" Ms.Matthews adds.

I look at Lea and she looks embarrassed, and looks lost. I feel bad. So I'll do it.

"Ugh okay sure" I say and Ms.Matthews smiles.

"Thank you Tris" she says and I smile.

"You 2 are dismissed" she adds and we walk out.

I walk next to Lea and she walks next to me.

"Have you gone to your locker" I ask her

"No, I was called to the councilors office" she says

"Me too but I'll walk you" I say

"So your name is Tris" she says and I smile.

"Yeah. Lea, right" I say and she nods.

"What grade are you in" she ask

"I'm a junior, 11th" I say

"That's cool I'm only a pregnant dumb freshman" she says

"It's okay you'll get through this" I say and we get to her locker.

"I have to get to class, do you know where to go next" I say and she nods.

"I'll see you later okay, here's my number" I say writing it real quick in her notebook. She smiles then I run to my locker real quick, grab my books and run to class.

It's lunch time and I'm so hungry. I'm in the lunch line and Tobias walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Don't be mad" he says and I unwrap his arms from my waist.

"I'm not mad, I just don't want you to give up on your dreams" I say and he holds my hands.

"Tris, we have a son. I don't want to go away to college and miss out on all the important things in Connors life" he says and we move up, in line.

I grab a sandwich and apple. Then Tobias and I walk hand and hand to the table, where all of our friends are at.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do" I say

Tobias kisses my cheek and smiles

"Yes, I'm positive. I don't want to be away from you or Connor." he says and I smile.

I get ready to sit at the table but I see Lea. She's at a table by herself. Some freshman boys are crowding around her, throwing something at her.

I put my plate down and walk angrily to where the boys are. I push one of them and they all look at me.

"What do you think your doing" I say and Tobias runs up behind me.

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