Chapter 48

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Tris pov

I open the door to our house and only our moms and Connor are in the living room. Oh and Justin but he's just sitting in is play pen.

Connor runs up to me, so I drop my bags and pick him up.

Tobias and I just got home from our honey moon. The rest of the trip was amazing. Hawaii is so beautiful and I would love to go back, but maybe we'll bring Connor because I missed him too much.

"Hey buddy" I say kissing his cheeks.

Connor screams with laughter which causes me to laugh.

"How was it" my mom says walking over to us.

I put Connor on my hip and answer my mom.

"It was amazing, Hawaii is so pretty. You have to go one day" I say and Connor grabs my hand and starts playing with it.

"How was Connor" I say looking at him, as he plays with my hand.

"He was fine" Evelyn says

"Yeah he was good, sometimes he would ask for you, but besides that he was okay" my mom says.

My dad and Marcus walk into the living room and cheer.

"There's the married couple" Marcus says and I smile.

Tobias and our dads talk while I go to the couch and sit with Connor and our moms.

I lay my head back and close my eyes.

"I'm so tired" I say

"Long flight" Evelyn says and I nod.

Connor stands on my thighs and bounces up and down. I hold his hands and keep my eyes closed.

"Mama" Connor screams and laughs. I open my eyes and smile at him.

"What baby" I say lifting him up in the air and laughing.

Tobias walks over to us and grabs Connor, and starts flying him around. He sits down next to me so I lay my head on his shoulder, while Connor bounces on his thighs. He likes doing that for some reason.

I start closing my eyes, but I'm woken up to Connor screaming my name.

"Mama" he yells

"What" I say opening them.

"I don't think he wants you to sleep" Evelyn says laughing.

"Leave mommy alone" Tobias says tickling Connor. I run my fingers through my hair and sit up.

"So we have something we want to tell you" Tobias starts to say to our parents.

We want to ask our parents about us moving out and getting our own place.

"Are you pregnant" my mom and Evelyn say at the same time.

I shake my head and sigh.

"No" I say and they start breathing normally again.

"Thank god" my mom says and I giggle.

"So what do you want to talk about" Marcus says joining the conversation with my dad walking by his side.

"We love it here and we love you guys but-" I start to say but am interrupted by my mom.

"But what" she says

"We want to move out" I say

"What" Evelyn says shocked

"Mom, please calm down" Tobias says

"Don't tell your mother to calm down, she's upset. What mother wants her son to leave her" Marcus says to Tobias.

"Imagine Connor saying, 'I love you mommy and daddy, but I'm leaving now' " Evelyn says and I look at Connor.

He's sucking his thumb, sitting on Tobias

"You can't move out, you two aren't ready" my mom says

"'But we're married and we have a son" I say

"You can be married and have a son and live here" my dad answers.

"When are you guys going to treat us like adults" Tobias says

"When you act like ones" My mom says

"What's that suppose to mean" I say

"Okay look we trust you and think you are doing a great job raising Connor, but to move you have to have a job, which neither one of you have" Evelyn says

"And tris, if you want to care for your family learn how to cook" my mom says and I look at her.

"Hey, I know how to cook" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"You burned water, I don't know how that is even possible" my mom says and I sigh.

"Why move out when you have mommy and daddy here to protect you" My dad says

"Moving out doesn't mean we're never going to see you. We just want our own place." Tobias says

"Plus, Connor is getting bigger. He needs a bigger room." I say and both of our parents look at each other.

"We'll think about it" my mom says and I smile, running up to her and giving her a hug.

"Thanks mom, Thanks so much" I say and she pats my head.

"Yeah, Yeah" she says

"That's not a definite answer, we're thinking about it. But if you really want to show us that you two are responsible adults, start looking for a job" my mom says and they walk away.

I bend down and stand on my knees to play with Connor, who is still sitting on Tobias lap.

"So what's now" he ask

"We look for a job" I say

Hope you liked this chapter, it's really short I know. I just haven't had time to write at all. School takes up a lot of my time, so I'm really sorry.

I'll try to update as soon as I can. Love you guys! Byeeeee 💙

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