Chapter 21

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Tris pov
3 months later

Connor is 3 months already. He's getting bigger and he cries less.

Today I start my junior year of high school and Tobias starts his senior. I'm brushing my hair out and Tobias is putting on his shoes.

My mom and Evelyn walk into our room and smile. Evelyn is holding Connor.

"Someone wanted to say hello" Evelyn says handing me Connor. I giggle and kiss his chubby cheeks.

"Good morning buddy" I say sitting him on my lap and fixing his pajama shirt.

Tobias walks over to me and puts his hands out for Connor, so I pass Connor to him.

"I'm going to change his diaper" Tobias says and I smile.

"Thanks, he was smelling a little stinky" I say giggling.

Tobias and Connor leave the room and I'm just sitting doing my hair with my mom and Evelyn watching me.

"Are you excited about your first day of junior year" my mom says squealing

"Yeah, it's whatever" I say giggling. I look
One last time in the mirror and turn to my mom and Evelyn.

"You sure you don't want me to stay and extra day and watch Connor" I say

"No Tris, we're going to be fine" Evelyn says and I smile.

"Okay, If you need anything just text me" I say and they nod.

I walk to Connors room and I see Tobias, he looks like he just finished changing Connor.

"Who's that" Tobias says to Connor. Connor looks at me and starts to giggle and play with his small little feet.

"Mommy, is that mommy" Tobias adds. He picks Connor up from the changing table and hands him to me.

"Hi buddy" I say fixing his hair.

"I'm gonna make breakfast" Tobias says, kissing my cheek.

"No I'll help you" I say

He holds my free hand (the one not holding Connor) and we walk to the kitchen. We walk in and see that breakfast is already made.

"Mom, Natalie, we would of made our own breakfast" Tobias says

"It's just how many more times am I going to have to make you breakfast before you leave away to college" Evelyn says to him, giving him a hug.

"Mom, I already told you I'm not going any where far. Remember I have a son" Tobias says

"Your saying that now but later you and Tris can work something out. I know how bad you want to go to that Texas school for football" She says and I set Connor down in his height chair.

Tobias and I sit down at the table and start to eat.

"Mom, just drop it. Please" Tobias says pouring me some orange juice, then one cup for him.

"Fine Tobias, have it your way" Evelyn says then walks away.

I look over at the time and it reads 7:15.

"We're gonna be late" I say and Tobias sees the time and gets up from his chair.

We gather our things and kiss Connor goodbye. He starts to cry, which makes me want to cry. I blow him a kiss at the door then run to the car with Tobias.

The first few minutes in the car is silent. But then I break the silence.

"So you want to go to a college in Texas" I say

"They have a great football team" Tobias says

"But it's okay, I'm going to a local college around here" he says very dull and not like himself.

"You can go if you want" I say looking out the window so we don't make eye contact.

"I can't go, what about Connor" he says

"What about you" he adds and I look at him.

"We'll be fine, I just don't want you to hold back your dreams because of us" I say

"I'm not. I knew when Connor was born sacrifices had to be made. For example college." he says

"Tobias but I'm telling you, your mom is telling you that it's okay to go" I say

"Tris, now can you drop it" he says parking the car in the school parking lot.

"Fine, but if it was me, you would want me to go right !" I say and he looks at me.

He looks away and turns the car off. I grab my book bag and get out the car.

"Tris don't be mad" Tobias says and I ignore him and walk into school.

I see Christina, so I run up to her and give her a hug.

"Omg I missed you" she says

"Me too" I say then we pull away from our hug.

"Where's four" she asks

"Probably giving up somewhere" I say and she has a confused face.

"What" she says

"It's nothing we got in a little argument about something" I say

"Want to talk about it" she says

"Well since he's a senior, he has to start thinking college and-" I start to say but am interrupted when my name gets announced to go to the councilors office.

I say bye to Christina and walk to the office.

I walk in and I'm so confused, why am I here for this...

Hope you liked this chapter sorry it was some what short and sorry for not posting and sorry for the time jump and sorry for the cliffhanger.

Sorry, sorry, sorry 😂

I love you readers 💙

keep reading and please comment because I love reading your comments !


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