Chapter 58

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Credit to: sydneylynne46 for giving me this idea! I'm so excited for you guys to read this chapter, hope you like it. Oh and go show some love to her account because her stories are fucking amazing!

Tris pov

Tobias and I are making out on the couch. He gets ready to lift my shirt up but my phone starts ringing. Connor is spending the night at our parents house.

"Let it go it's probably no one important." Tobias whispers against my lips. I giggle and grab my phone off the table.

"It will only take a minute" I say looking at the caller ID.

"Who is it anyway" he ask

"Dylan" I say answering the phone.

"Hey" he says

"Hey what's up" I say

"Are you busy" he ask

"No, not at all" I say

"So remember Suzy Literman" he says

"Yeah, why" I say

"Well the other night I forgot to tell you that she's actually my girlfriend" he says

"Oh that's so awesome" I say

"Did she move here with you and your mom" I add

"No. That's what I wanted to talk about" he says

"Okay" I say

"So she wasn't able to move here with me because her grandpa was sick & dying so she stayed while I came here to start getting a job and house for us" he says

"Oh, poor her" I say. I actually feel really sad for her.

Tobias gets up and walks out of the living room, probably to our room. He's probably upset that I'm spending most of our alone time talking to Dylan.

"Yeah, her grandpa pasted away last week, so she's getting ready to come over here" he says

"Awww, but now she gets to come over here to live with you." I say

"Yeah, but okay let me just get to the point" he says chuckling

"her birthday is coming up this weekend and I just wanted to know if you could help me plan a party for her. It could be a birthday and welcome to Chicago party" he says with another chuckle

"Yeah sure. That sounds great" I say

"So I'll just text you plans and stuff" he says

"Okay" I say

"Thanks so much" he says

"No problem. I'll talk to ya later" I say

"Okay bye" he says then we hang up. I put my phone on the table then walk to Tobias and I room.

Tobias lays on the bed with a book in his hand.

"So what did Dylan want" he asks

"He wants me to help plan a party for an old friend. Well it's actually his girlfriend now" I say crawling on the bed over to him.

I lay my head on his chest and feel his heart beat.

"Oh" he says and I get a beep on my phone. It's a text from Dylan.

I want to propose to her at the party- D

Do it- T

I can't I'm too nervous- D

Don't be I'm sure she's going to say yes- T

How about I send you the speech I've been working on to say- D

Okay- T

"I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom" I say to Tobias and he nods while still focusing on his book.

I put my phone on the bed and hurry to the bathroom.

Tobias Pov

Tris just left to the bathroom. I can't concentrate on my book because her phone keeps buzzing.

I like Dylan he's kind of an okay dude and I know him and tris are over with. The other night at dinner him and his mom were really nice. I was so stupid to be jealous. Tris loves me and I love her.

The buzzing of the phone has me very curious of what they are talking about though.

I pick up her phone and look at the messages that pop up on the lock screen.

Your my everything- D

The first time we met I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with- D

I love you- D

I look at the text and get mad. Is tris cheating on me. Was I wrong? Maybe Dylan isn't as nice as he seems.

Tris walks in to the room all bubbly and smiling.

"Babe do we have any chocolate cake left" she says then sees her phone in my hand.

"What are you doing" she ask me and I show her the text.

"You are my everything! I love you! Tris why is Dylan sending you this" I say

"Tobias let me explain, it's not what you think" she says

"Oh I can't wait to hear this" I say

"He's not sending that for me exactly, he's sending me the speech he wants to say to his girlfriend when he proposes at the party" she says

I drop the phone on the bed and run my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry" I say

"It's okay" she says grabbing her phone and putting it on the table.

"I'm not mad" she says laying next to me. I wrap my arms around her and we lay there.

"I love you" she says

"I will only ever love you" she adds and I smile.

"I love you too" I say and we continue to lay there, in bed.

Hope you liked this. I hope it was good. I get out of school in 3 days so I'll be writing a lot 😄

I'll update soon, love you! <3

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