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Tris pov
1 and a half years later

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Chloe, Happy Birthday to you" everyone sings to Chloe.

Chloe is Tobias and I daughter. We had a girl this time and she's turning one today. Tobias spoils her like crazy and Connor is such a great big brother.

Once again Tobias is so much better at being a parent then me but I guess that's because he's such a good father.

Chloe claps her hands and screams with a big smile on her face.

I lift her up and kiss her cheeks.

"Happy birthday baby girl, your finally one" I say and Tobias reaches his hands out to grab her.

I sit down and hold Tobias hand and smile. I look around and see our family and friends laughing and smiling.

Tobias and I have overcome so much over the years. Having a baby, getting married, then having another baby. Plus a whole bunch of little things in between.

I look at Tobias and he looks down at me.

"I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says back and we continue to enjoy the party.

It's over guys, this story has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed this story, I really enjoyed writing it. But I feel like it's time to come to an end and write a new story which I think you guys are going to enjoy. So please stay tuned for my new divergent high story that I'm going to be publishing maybe tonight or tomorrow.

Its going to be about Tris and four who are best friends in high school in their senior year. Four breaks up with his girlfriend Lauren and then turns to Tris for comfort. They have sex and tris gets pregnant. Then four gets back together with Lauren and tris has to tell him she's pregnant. What will happen?? Read my next divergent high story that will be posted soon.

Also please go check out my friend sydneylynne46 and read her new story unsteady.

Love you readers!

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