Yuki and Hiro's First Day Home!

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It was dark outside as Naruto walked to the Assassin den. Itachi had asked for him. He didn't want to leave Hinata it had only been three days sense she gave birth a tomorrow they would finally get to take Yuki and Hiro home. He also didn't like leaving them alone. Many of the Hyuga members were still against Hinata being with Naruto and having his children. It wouldn't surprise Naruto if the tried to kill Yuki and Hiro because of this, so he always had a clone watching them.

Naruto walked up the Hokage mountain until he was on top of the fourth Hokage's statue and spoke the Assassin password. A secret trapdoor opened up and Naruto walked inside. The room wasn't very bright sense the only source of light were the burning candles. Naruto went to Itachi's office and went inside. There behind a pile of papers was Itachi.

"Let's make this quick," Naruto said. "The longer I'm here the longer members of the Hyuga clan that hate me get to try to kill my kids."

"No need to worry," Itachi said. "I have Haku and Shisui taking shifts on watch your family for that very reason."

"Even so," Naruto said. "I wont feel at ease until I'm back with them."

"Then I'll try to make this quick." Itachi said. "I've been busy ever sense the second meeting of the Allied Forces. We're making lots of changes to ensure peace."

"That's good," Naruto said. "Any word from Ezio."

"Gaara gave me a message during the five Kage summit when we made the Alliance.." Itachi said pulling out a scroll. "It says both Zabuza and Ezio are studying a coded message left from the Great Mentor Altair. Other then that no new news." 

"I see," Naruto said disappointed. "So what's new with the Alliance?"

"Well for starters we've got the Two and four tailed beast's Jinchurikis on are side." Itachi said. "That means we now have all nine."

"Good," Naruto said. "Now to deal with the Akatsuki."

"Bad news about that," Itachi said. "Trails gone cold. They've gone into hiding probably to modify their plans."

"When they come out," Naruto said. "We'll be ready. Now if that's all I would like to return to my family."

"One more thing before you go." Itachi said. "Every Kage was to pick a successor in case they die for some reason. Lady Tsunade picked your sensei Kakashi Hatake, so now he knows everything about the Assassins. That includes that your one of us."

"I see," Naruto said. "So Kakashi sensei is to be the sixth Hokage. If he's as good of a Hokage as he is a teacher then we have no reasons to worry."

"Are you okay with him being Hokage?" Itachi asked.

"I'm fine," Naruto said. "I'll just have to be the seventh Hokage then."

"Okay," Itachi said sounding satisfied. "Go home, take a bath, then go see your family you smell like crap."

"Good idea," Naruto said heading to the door. "I haven't left Hinata's side sense she gave birth so I need a bath."

"Oh and Naruto," Itachi said just as Naruto was about to leave. "Congratulations on becoming a father." 

"Thanks Itachi." Naruto said as he waved goodbye.

Naruto left the room and someone moved out of the shadows. He had short black hair and dark black eyes like Itachi.

"You didn't tell him?" The man said.

"Tell him what Shisui?" Itachi asked.

"Everyone of the Kage needed to pick a successor." Shisui said. "They also had their successors pick another person to  take their place in case the died or couldn't fulfill their duties. You never told him that Kakashi chose him to be his successor."

"It would put to much on his mind to know he was chosen to be the Seventh Hokage." Itachi said. "For now let him just worry about being a good father and husband."


The next morning Naruto, Hinata, and Aiko returned home with the babies. Hinata wanted to stay out of bed and make breakfast, but Naruto said she should get some sleep. She deserves it, after all not everyone can care a child for nine months. While she was in bed Naruto would hold down the fort. He had a clone making food, another clone watching Hiro and Yuki, and he would keep Aiko busy by playing games with her.

Every so often Naruto heard the babies crying, but the clone would always calm them down. It was a good thing he could use the Shadow Clone Jutsu, or he would be in trouble. He and Aiko ate breakfast and soon after Aiko had fallen asleep deciding to take a nap. Naruto put her in her bed then went to see how Hinata was doing. She was awake and sat in bed staring out the window.

"You sleep well?" Naruto asked walking in to the room.

"I did," Hinata said. "How are Aiko, Yuki, and Hiro doing?"

"I have a clone watching Yuki and Hiro," Naruto said. "But it looks like they and Aiko decided to take a nap."

Just then crying filled the house. Hiro or Yuki must be up. Naruto was hoping his clone would be able to handle to stop the baby's crying.

"Well nap time must be over." Hinata said getting out of bed.

"I can take care of the kids." Naruto said trying to get Hinata to stay in bed. "You deserve some time to yourself."

"Naruto we're parents," Hinata said. "We both have a duty to take care of are children, so that is what I'm going to do."

Naruto knew he had lost the argument. There wasn't anything wrong with Hinata helping it's just that Naruto thinks she should have time to her self after having to carry two babies for nine months. It didn't matter all that much if Hinata wanted to take care of Yuki, Aiko, and Hiro. While Hinata calmed the babies Naruto decided to make Hinata her late breakfast sense she hadn't eaten. He wondered if every day would be like this hearing Hiro and Yuki cry almost every hour of the day. He didn't care if it every day was like that. With help from his friends and Hinata he was sure everything would be fine.


Here is chapter four everyone! I really hope you enjoyed it! Next time on Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings, The Akatsuki plan is revealed! 


Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now