The Many Puppets of Pain

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Naruto and Sasuke walked together as Sasuke looked at a list of names. He read through them and shoved it away. Naruto looked behind then to see two other people following them. There was a boy with orange hair and a girl with long red hair and and red glasses.

"Karin, Jugo," Sasuke said. "Don't lag behind."

"Okay Sasuke." Karin said making it clear she was head over heals in love with him.

Jugo didn't say any thing. Instead he just picked up the pace and keep moving. Naruto thought Jugo was the strong silent type as were Karin is like Sakura when they were in the Academy.

"Have you told her your dating Sakura?" Naruto whispered to Sasuke.

"No not yet," Sasuke sighed. "Why do I have to be the heart breaker?"

"I'm glade I'm not like you." Naruto said. "If I had fan girls like you I would go mad. So where are we going?"

"Like I told you," Sasuke said. "I've been put in charge of a Commando Unit for the war. Today I pick up my last member and start training. I want you to help train them. After all you and I are the two of the strongest ninja in the Leaf."

They arrived at the Hokage building where Tsunade was waiting. With her was a boy with white hair with that looked like a little blue. On his back to Naruto's surprise was Zabuza's sword.

"My name is Suigetsu," The boy said. "I'm a member of the new Seven Swordsmen of the Mist."

"New?" Sasuke asked.

"Yes," Suigetsu said. "The old Seven Swordsmen of the Mist chose their swords next wielder, but they were either killed before that or the sword was taken. I have been tasked with finding each sword and giving them to their new owner."

"What of Shark Skin?" Sasuke asked. "It was given to Killer Bee."

"He can use it," Suigetsu said. "With this whole Alliance thing I have a feeling I might have to start calling the group the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the Alliance or something."

"That sword," Naruto said. "It once belong to Zabuza."

"Right," Suigetsu said. "I've been gifted and am called the Second Demon of the Mist."

"Promise me," Naruto said. "You'll use that sword for good."

"Why do you think it was given to me?" Suigetsu said. "The Swordsmen use to be all about killing, but Mei doesn't want that. So now she has tasked me to lead the Swordmen in the right direction."

"Well," Sasuke said. "If that's all we're going to start training."
It was mid day when a group of Akatsuki members were just outside the tree line of the Leaf village. Most of them had orange hair, black rod piercings, and light purple eyes with black rings on them. One of the group was a female that was the only one without orange hair.
She had blue hair and amber eyes.

"Why must we attack now?" She asked the others. "Your still weak after are fight with Jiraiya Sensei."

"This must be done in the Name of peace, Konan." One of the orange haired ninja said. "I have plenty of Chakra left."

"Even so I'm coming to protect you." Konan said. "No more paper clones."

"Fine," A women with orange hair said as another man lifted her up to through her. "Let us start the beginning of the end of war. This world must know pain."

The man that had picked her up had tossed he into the air. She flew a great distance and eventual got over top of the village of Konoha. Then she descended into the village and passed the invisible barrier. Konan's body began to break apart into sheets of paper until there was nothing. Pain's attack had begun.
Just as Naruto had finished training with Sasuke and his team he felt the unwelcome visitor enter through the barrier. He cursed under his breath and turned to Sasuke.

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