Turtle Island

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It had been two weeks sense the attack by Pain and the village had returned to its peaceful way. The part of the village that was destroyed during the attack had been rebuilt and everyone saw Naruto as a hero. Sure most of the village thought of him as a hero after the battle of Konoha with Orochimaru, but now even the elder Hyuga clan members believed him to be a hero worthy of Hinata.

Naruto was heading to see Tsunade for a mission. He noticed how many of the villages ninja were training or were on missions. War was coming and everyone was getting ready. Naruto remembered how just yesterday Konohamaru and his fellow ninja who were all still very young were told they couldn't join the war. Konohamaru tried to get Itachi's approval as an Assassin but he said no as well. Now he was trying to get Naruto to tell Itachi to let him join.

"Naruto please," Konohamaru begged. "I can't just sit at home while you all fight to protect the ninja world."

"No," Naruto said. "I'm your teacher and your not ready."

"Well," Konohamaru began. "Maybe if you didn't put off my training I would be ready."

"Your right," Naruto said. "I put off your training so you aren't ready. Itachi may have made you an Assassin but your training is incomplete."

"Then train me," Konohamaru said. "I want to protect the village like my Grandfather before me. I want to fight on the battle field."

"No," Naruto said again. "Even if I wanted to I can't I have to go see Tsunade for a mission. I wont matter anyway. The reason for you staying isn't just because your weak or to young. Its because all the powerful ninja will be fighting so no one will be at the villages to protect them."

"So those left behind are here to protect the village?" Konohamaru asked.

"That's right," Naruto said. "Plus I need someone I trust to stay here and protect my family. If you do this for me I promise to focus on your training after the war."

"Alright," Konohamaru said. "You can count on me."

"Thank you," Naruto said. "Well I have a mission to get from Tsunade so I'll see you latter."

Naruto and Konohamaru departed and Naruto entered Tsunade's office. Inside standing in front of her was Captain Yamato, Gai Sensei, and another ninja from the Intel division, Anbo.

"Naruto," Tsunade said. "Thank you for coming now we're all here. All four of you are going to Turtle Island by request of Killer Bee. He has gathered all the Jinchuriki other then Gaara to Turtle Island so they can all train. Naruto is to be a teacher to the Jinchuriki who are new to having full Tail Beast control."

"Okay," Naruto said. "When should we leave?"

"Why not now?" Tsunade asked not looking for and answer. "I have everything already packed."

"Right now!" Naruto yelled. "Why not tomorrow? I have to tell Hinata I'm leaving."

"War is coming and we need all the Jinchuriki ready." Tsunade said. "Go and tell her now then meet the others at the village gate."

Naruto left to go say good bye to his family and to grab some personal gear. Tsunade didn't like lying to him, but it needed to be done for the future of the ninja world.

"Is it really okay to lie to Naruto?" Yamato asked. "He's not stupid you know he'll find out about the war."

"Bee says the place they're training at cuts off the worlds Chakra so he can't sense it." Tsunade said. "Plus we've got a plan just in case he does try to leave and join the war."

"It may stop one Jinchuriki," Anbo said. "But what about seven of them?"

"As long as Bee stops the others," Tsunade said. "The barrier should hold against four Jinchuriki. Now you three get going."

They left Tsunade to her paper work and went to the village gate. Finally after an hour of waiting Naruto arrived. They saw he had changed into his Assassin robes and had his Katana on his back.

"It took you long enough." Yamato said.

"Sorry," Naruto said. "Every time I tried to leave Hinata would kiss me again."

"Ah," Gai said. "The Power of youthful love. It can even stop a young man from leaving on a mission."

"Yeah," Anbo said inching away from Gai who was crying for some weird reason. "Well let get going. There's a boat in a village not far that will get us to the Island."

"Then lets go!" Gai yelled heading towards the village with the boat. Naruto and the others followed trying there best to try to make it look like they didn't know Gai.
It took a few days but after a long walk and dealing with Gai's seasickness they had arrived. Naruto was glade to be on land again and that he would start training soon. They were greeted by Bee who took them to a waterfall called "The Waterfall of Truth." Behind it was an old temple were, at least that's what Bee said, Jinchuriki before them came to gain Tailed Beast control. Naruto and Bee went in but the others stayed outside.

"There not coming with us?" Naruto asked.

"They're not needed for this." Bee said. "They would only get in the way of are training."

"So the others are inside?" Naruto asked.

"Everyone but Gaara." Bee said. "You and I are going to be training with them. You've had control of your Tailed Beast's powers a lot longer then most of them so you'll help teach them how to fight."

"Then lets go." Naruto said as they entered the room meant for training.
Next time on Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings, Naruto meets the other Jinchuriki.

Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now