Inheriting a Frog's Will

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Naruto sat on a board balancing  on it. It was being balanced on a large spike. Under it was a bunch of little spikes that would kill anyone who couldn't keep their balance. Naruto was in a kind of meditating state. When he opened his eyes red rings formed around them. He jumped of the board and punched a stone statue that was on a platform across the see of deadly spikes. It was destroyed into a million pieces. Another man stood there watching him. He had long white hair, and red lines rining down his face. It was Jiryia, Naruto's god-father.

"Well Naruto," Jiryai said. "I'm happy to say you've completely lerned Sage mode. You are the my only student to do so."

"Yes," An old green toad said joining them. "He is also the second person to learn Sage mode and is able to go into when he fells like it. The only other person to do that was the First Hokage. It looks like Naruto-boy has surpassed you."

"I could go into sage mode if I tried." Jiraiya said.

"Is that so Jiraiya-boy?" The toad said. "Then I guess you don't need me and Ma to help any more."

"No wait..." Jiraiya said. "Fine I'll admit it Naruto surpassed me in every way."

"I don't mean to be rude," Naruto said. "But I have to get home. Today's  Yuki and Hiro's first play date with Sasuke's sister Sachiko."

"Good luck with that Naruto-boy," The Toad said. "Come visit us any time."

"Will do," Naruto said. "You coming Jiraiya-Sensei?" 

"Actual I have a date with Tsunade." Jiraiya said.

"Just give up pervy-sage," Naruto said. "You've tried a hundred times."

"If Hinata shot you down would you have given up!" Jiraiya yelled. "Besides Tsunade has already agreed to date me we just started two weeks ago."

"Really?" Naruto asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Jiraiya said with pride. "Now if you'll excuse me."

Jiraiya disappeared with a puff of smoke. When it cleared Jiraiya was back in the Hidden Leaf. He looked at the Hokage Statues and thought to a time when there had only three of them not five. He really felt he was getting old. Next month was October and with it would be Naruto's birth day.

"Sixteen already?" Jiraiya thought to himself. "Now I know I'm getting old."

He hurried off to Tsunade's office to get started on their date. When he entered he saw her sitting at her desk with papers every where.

"Should I cancel are plans?" Jiraiya asked.

"Is it that time already?" Tsunade asked looking at her watch.

"Lots of work?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah," Tsunade said. "The Alliance is keeping me busy."

"Then why don't you take a break?" Jiraiya asked. "You look exhausted."

"Fine," Tsunade said. "But I have a mission for you after are date."

"A Mission?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yes," Tsunade said. "Repots say there is an Akatsuki member in the Village Hidden in the Rain. I want you to investigate, but don't attack the enemy."

"If your so scared of me dying then bet on me losing." Jiraiya laughed. 

Tsunade looked at the ground. Jiraiya could see she was really upset about all this. She really thought he could die on this mission.

"It's the life of a ninja to live in harms way." Jiraiya said. "We can't change that. All we can do is enjoy the moments before are death."

"Look at you," Tsunade said pushing tears off her face. "You sound like Sarutobi-Sensei."

"I was his student." Jiraiya said. "Come on lets go on that date."


Jiraiya woke up early the next morning. He looked over to see Tsunade wrapped up on a blanket beside him. It had been one crazy night. Jiraiya looked over his gear and got ready to leave. He told everyone good-bye and left before lunch time.

He looked at the Hokage statue again when he was farther away from the village. He opened his life novel that he was making. It described everything that happened to him in his life. He wrote,

"I look around me to see how much time has changed everything. Orochimaru, my best friend is rouge. My master and one of my most prized student are both dead, and my youngest, and newest student has grown into a young man with his own family. Out of all my students I'm sure he will be the one who will take on my will and pass it onto the next generation. I truly feel old now, but I guess it's time to start the final chapter in my story. The Frog in the Well drifts off into the Great Ocean."

Jiraiya closed his book and looked to the sky. Rain clouds began to circle over head. It started to rain as Jiraiya headed for his next destination, The Village Hidden in The Rain. The storm looked pretty bad, but after every storm there would be a rainbow.


He guys sorry for the long update. I'm in choirs at school and scenes it's around Christmas time here we have a lot of things to do. On top of the I have family things due to the holidays and school work, but I'll still try to update, so try to be patient. Thank you!!! Next time on Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings, A fight during a storm.

Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now