Enter The Jinchuriki, The Hawks attack the Snakes

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As morning came so did the reports from the front. There wasn't as many dead as Shikaku thought there might be, but those that did die he thought were still to much. The next battles had already begun. Zetsu had come out of hiding and attacked on all sides.

"You look tired." Inoichi said.

"I am." Shikaku said. "Any word from Ay and Tsunade?"

"Yeah," Inoichi said. "They decided to let the Jinchuriki join the war."

"Good," Shikaku said. "We need all the help we can get."

"Sir!" Someone called. "News from Gaara's unit. They've engaged the reanimations of the Third Raikage, Second Mizukage, Second Tsuchikage, and Fourth Kazekage!"

"Looks like it really was a good thing to let the Jinchuriki help." Inoichi said.

"Yeah," Shikaku said. "Let's hope nothing bad happens.


Gaara watched through his eye made of sand as four people walked towards him and his men. One was huge and covered with muscles and had long white hair. Another had bushy blond hair. Another has covered from head to toe in bandages. Last was someone Gaara never thought he would see again. It was the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, Gaara's Father.

"I was wondering why all the chakra from different villages was so smashed together." The bushy hair guy, former Mizukage, said.

"That's right Mizukage," Onoki said as he joined with Gaara. "This is the result of the Allied Ninja Forces!"

"Allied Ninja Forces?" Ay's Father, The muscle guy and former Raikage asked.

"Yes," Onoki replied. "We all stand united to began a new world."

"You truly believe that Onoki?" The man in bandages asked.

"Yes Mu," Onoki said. "And I will be fighting you. I'm the only one who can match your particle style my old teacher."

"Wait," Rasa, who looked like an older Gaara, said. "Is that you Gaara?"

"Yes Father," Gaara said. "But I' not just the Jinchuriki you made, I'm also Kazekage all thanks to my friends."

"Did you say Kazekage?" Rasa asked. "Wait you have friends?"

"He's your own son and you didn't think he'd have friends?" The second Mizukage asked.

"I no longer hate you father," Gaara said. "As Kazekage I understand why you did it all. My friends, my uncle, everyone has shown me the way."

"Not only is he Kazekage," Onoki said. "But he's also the Commander and Chief of the Allied Forces."

"He's also an Assassin!" A voice called out.

Everyone looked to see a boy with spikey blond hair appear out of no where. Next to him was Yagura. It was Naruto, well a clone of him.

"Naruto!" Gaara yelled. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to help a friend and fellow Jinchuriki." Naruto said. "Yagura, take on the 2nd Mizukage with Gaara's forces while I take on the Raikage."

"Be careful my friend." Yagura said as he walked towards the 2nd Mizukage. "I'm Yagura, Fourth Mizukage and Jinchuriki of the Three Tails. I will be your opponent lord 2nd."

"This little brat became Mizukage?"  2nd Mizukage asked.

"He did," Onoki said. "Now let him show you why. Come everyone let's show them are strength!"


Hinata nocked a Zetsu away and looked around. Do to the enemy looking like people it was hard to tell friend from foe. As she looked around three cloud ninja attacked her. There was no time to stop them. Was she going to die? Suddenly their attack was stopped by someone in an orange chakra cloak, Naruto.

"How dare you!" Naruto yelled. "You dare try to kill the most beautiful thing in the world?!  You'll pay for trying to kill my love!"

Naruto shot the enemy back with fists made from his chakra. As they landed they turned into trees. Naruto turned to Hinata and smiled at her just before kissing her. To him it was a million years ago sense he felt her lips.

"Never hide something like this from me again." Naruto said.

"Hey," Roushi said. "So this is Hinata? Hello, I'm Uncle Roushi I can't wait to attend the wedding."

"Roushi," Naruto said. "The other's and my clones are fighting everywhere. Your to help out here. Keep Hinata safe while I go join Bee to find Madara."

"Understood." Roushi said.

"Good bye for now my love and life." Naruto said kissing Hinata again.

Naruto left and went to go meet up with Bee. They knew where Madara was from the hate he gave off. The tide of battle was in their favor, for now.


Orochimaru cursed as he saw the pieces on his board get taken away. He was losing and that was clear. They needed to do something or it would be all over.

"Kabuto," Orochimaru said. "We need to make new reanimations."

"They have plenty of bodies for us on the battle field." Kabuto said. "I'll have Zetsu grab some of the strongest dead ninja for us. "

"Hurry," Orochimaru said. "Or we will lose."

"You already have." Someone said.

Kabuto and Orochimaru turned to see two Uchiha boys. It was Sasuke and Itachi. They were there to end the reanimation Jutsu.

"I must thank you," Orochimaru said. "Not only do I get one Uchiha, but two!"


Next time the Uchiha Brothers vs.. The Snakes!





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