The Uzumaki Family

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Naruto rubbed his eyes and looked up from his paper work. Funny he was sure it was dark out last time he checked. Now it was mid-day. He stretched his aching muscles and looked at the door. All most as if on que Naruto's assistant, Shikamaru walked in.

"Who knew being Hokage involved so much paper work." Naruto said.

"It doesn't help that you stayed all night to do a weeks worth of paper work." Shikamaru said. "Why did you anyway?"

"I decided to spend a week with my family." Naruto said. "I really don't see them after becoming the Seventh Hokage."

"Who will fill in for you?" Shikamaru asked.

"Kakashi," Naruto said. "Why don't you go home to Temari and Shikadai for the week? Your old man can help Kakashi."

"I think I might just do that." Shikamaru said. "I was thinking about taking Shikadai to the family forest. As he is my son he will be the next in line of are clan."

"Yeah," Naruto said turning to the window of the Hokage office. "Hiro and Yuki don't want to be the Uzumaki clan leader, and neither does Aiko."

"You still have Boruto." Shikamaru said.

"Yeah," Naruto said. "But..."

"If you strip him of his title as leader," Shikamaru said. "Then he'll really think you hate him."

"Your right," Naruto said. "It's just that he's such a trouble maker."

"He wants your attention." Shikamaru said.

Naruto looked down at the streets below and listened as he heard shouting. A man in ANBU clothing ran after a child the age of six who was carrying a Katana that looked like Zabuza's sword. The man with short brown hair was Haku and with him was his wife Ayame. They were chasing after their daughter Mei.

"Haku looks to be enjoying himself." Naruto laughed. "Witch means Aiko must be home." 

Suddenly a women with blonde hair and an Anbu mask of a fox appeared. With her was a fox the size of Akamaru. It was ANBU squad leader Aiko, Naruto's adopted daughter.

"So," Naruto said sitting down in his chair. "How did it go?"

"Mission complete." Aiko said. "Haku has gone home as well as Sai."

"Sai must have wanted to see Ino." Naruto said. "I never would have guessed they would get together. Speaking of them, how is their son?"

"Inojin is fine, as well as Choji and Karui's daughter Chocho." Shikamaru said. "Their training on the Ino-Shika-Cho formation is coming nicely."

"What about the other children?" Naruto asked.

"Boruto and Orochimaru's son Mitsuki have become good friends," Shikamaru said. "And work great together and they work well with Sasuke and Sakura's daughter Sarada."

"Then they should all make good teams." Naruto said. "What of Lee's son Metal Lee?"

"He and as well as Neji and TenTen's daughter Hitomi are good friends and work together." Shikamaru said. "I'm planning to find another person for them to make a team."

"Then all they need to do is pass their tests." Naruto said. "Aiko, before you leave can you do me a favor?"

"What dad?" Aiko asked.

"Can you get Yuki please?" Naruto asked. "I'm going to head home and have a week off and I want the whole family together."

"What about Hiro?" Aiko asked.

"I think his with your younger sister Himawari at home." Naruto said. "Sense they're both chunin they don't get much time off so they tend to stay with your brother and sister to bond."

"Got it." Aiko said leaving.

"Lord Hokage!" Someone called. "There's an emergence!"

"Let me guess," Naruto sighed. "It's Boruto."

"He painted the Hokage statues!" The man said.

"How dare he!" Naruto yelled. "He stole my prank!"

"Like father like son." Shikamaru said shaking his head.


On the Hokage statues was a young boy with blonde hair about twelve with a paint can and brush. He was painting all over the faces. On his father's he wrote, "Shitty Dad." Naruto looked at his son then to Konohamaru and Iruka who had been watching him.

"Boruto!" Konohamaru yelled.

Leave him be." Iruka said. "He just wants his father. Remember what it was like when people only saw you as lord Third's grandson and not as yourself?"

"Yeah," Konohamaru said. 'Your right."

"Naruto made two clones to go clean the statue while he grabbed Boruto. He had blonde hair that really wasn't anything like his and blue eyes just like Naruto's. On his face were two whisker marks like Naruto's only Naruto had three. All of Naruto and Hinata's children had whisker marks but Aiko.

"Leave the cleaning to the clones." Naruto said. "For now let's go home. I've got the week off to spend time with you guys."

"Really!" Boruto asked with joy then recovered himself. "I mean... that's cool."

"Sorry I'm never around." Naruto said. "Sometimes I wonder if being Hokage is worth it."

"Mom says you worked hard to get to this point." Boruto said.

"I grew up with no parents." Naruto said. "It was easier then having a living dad who was never around. This is painful for you, but remember I will always love you."


Naruto and Boruto got home and were greeted by Hinata. Naruto got a kiss on the lips as were Boruto got one on the cheek. A little girl with raven black hair, two whiskers, and blue eyes walked into the room and hugged them. Another boy with Naruto's blonde spiky hair, blue eyes, and whiskers walked in and he looked to be seventeen or older.

"Hello Hiro, Himawari," Naruto said. "Did you two have a good day?'

"We sure did." Hiro said rubbing Himawari's head. "Saw your art work little brow. Nice idea giving Kakashi a mouth."

"Thanks." Boruto said.

"Say Hiro,"  Naruto said. "I saw Nora looking for you. She looked angry as hell. Did you do something wrong?"

"It's not my fault." Hiro said. "One of her dad's porn books fell into my back and she thinks it's mine."

"I'll have to talk to Jiraiya about it." Naruto said. "Last thing I need is for his daughter to kill you. Not before you two get married at least."

"Shut it Dad." Hiro said.

Aiko and Yuki walked through the door and the hole family was together. Yuki looked just like Hiro only with long blonde hair and she looked more feminine. They were together and Naruto was truly happy. This was the whole reason he did everything as a ninja and Assassin. To think it all start with one hooded man taking in a baby.

"Alright everyone," Naruto said. "The Uzumaki family is all together. Now let's have some fun."


Thus the story of Naruto ends but there are still stories to be told. I want to make to series branching from this one. One is based on when Ezio goes home, and the other is based off Boruto learning of his Assassin blood. Tell me witch one you want to have me right in the comments below. For now I will be focusing on My Naruto Pokemon Adventure Series. That is the end of Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings.







Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now