End of The Reanimation Jutsu

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Orochimaru and Kabuto looked at the two Uchiha brothers who had come to take them down. Kabuto stood ready to fight as were Orochimaru just laughed.

"Wonderful!" Orochimaru yelled. "Now I don't need to hunt you two down my self!

"If you would have told us you were here we would have come sooner." Itachi said.

"Must have slipped my mind." Orochimaru said. "Tell me Sasuke, how is that curse mark treating you?"

"Never had to really us it." Sasuke said. "I'll show you why you snake."

"Your fight is with me Uchiha brat." Kabuto said.

"Then come traitor." Sasuke said. "Let me show you the power of my Sharingan."

Kabuto attacked Sasuke sending them through a wall. Itachi stayed focused on Orochimaru who didn't move. His arms were still useless do to his fight with the Third Hokage, but he must have found a way to fight back. Itachi went on the attack.


Sasuke dodged the sudden attack of small snakes from Kabuto. His eyes allowed him to see the attacks long before they hit him. As he dodged he sent a few Kunai at Kabuto. He easily got out of the way and responded with a summoning.

A large red snake flew at Sasuke and ate him. Kabuto gave a grin as he had thought the fight was finally over.

"Try not to digest him." Kabuto said. "Orochimaru wants him alive."

The snake hissed in acknowledgement, but then something hit against its body. Hit screamed in pain as Kabuto backed away. Red liquid rained from the sky as something broke out of the red snake. It was a skeleton made of purple chakra. Inside the skeleton was Sasuke.

"This is my Susanoo." Sasuke said. "Watch as it kills you Kabuto." 

"I'm not done yet." Kabuto said as his body transformed. "Naruto isn't the only Sage in the world."

Kabuto grew gray scales and yellow eyes. He has horns on his head that made him look kind of like a dragon.

"Come Sasuke," Kabuto said. "Try to beat me now."


Sasuke cursed as he was planted deep into a wall. Kabuto had gotten stronger for sure, but he couldn't lose here. Sasuke activated his black flames that would stick to a target until it was destroyed or found a way to break free.

Kabuto screamed in pain but turned into smoke. A dead snake landed on the ground. It had been a substitution. Sasuke turned to see Kabuto hanging an a tree branch smiling.

"So that's one of the things your eyes can do." Kabuto said. "I'll have to watch my self."

Sasuke engulfed himself in his Susanoo and charged Kabuto. Kabuto summoned another snake to combat Sasuke. They clashed sending trees in all directions. Neither had thought this battle would drag out this long. 

Kabuto attacked Sasuke's Susanoo and had his snake wrap around it. As the snake squeezed itself tighter Sasuke activated the full form of the Susanoo. The skeleton began to grow muscle, skin, then Samurai like armor. In its hand formed a Katana that it used to cut the snake in half. As the snake disappeared Kabuto lost his balance and fell to the ground. Sasuke used the Susanoo's hand and slapped Kabuto through the wall of Orochimaru's hide out.  

Sasuke released the Susanoo armor and entered the new entrance in the hide out. As he did he saw Orochimaru and Kabuto laying on the ground with Itachi standing over them. He looked them in the eyes and placed a genjutsu on them.

"What are you doing?" Sasuke asked.

"The Reanimation Jutsu wont end with death." Itachi said. "So I placed a genjutsu on them to were they will do what I tell them."

"Can't they break out?" Sasuke asked.

"No," Itachi said. "The only way out is if they see the errors of their ways and turn to the light."

"I see." Sasuke said.

"Let's get the signs to release the jutsu and go join Naruto." Itachi said.


Naruto's clone with Gaara had just defeated the reanimated Raikage. He was sealed and Naruto joined the others. They had all sealed their targets. Suddenly lights began to shine out of the bandaged reanimations. The Jutsu has been released.

"What was that?" Naruto asked.

"Sasuke and Itachi did it." Onoki said. "They defeated Orochimaru."

"Good," Gaara said. "I want the dead gathered and wounded taken to the medical corps. After that we all head to help the real Naruto. Send this order to all other divisions."

"I'll go tell the original." Naruto's clone said dispelling himself.

Naruto jumped from tree to tree next to Bee as he received the clones memories. They had just been told a few minutes ago that Kakashi and Gai were joining them as well. They would be their before the other divisions.

"Bee," Naruto said. "The allied forces will be joining us soon."

"Not soon enough." Bee said. "Kakashi and Gai will meet us when we engage Madara. We need to beat him here."

"Agreed." Naruto said. "Let's hurry!"


The battle of the Hawks and the Snakes is over, but now the battle between Madara(Obito) and Naruto, Bee, Kakashi, and Gai begins. Next time, the fight before the last begins!



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