The Meeting of The Jinchuriki

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Naruto and bee entered the temple to be greeted by Yagura. He was a former Kage and the Three tails, Isobu's Jinchuriki. He had been training to be an Assassin and kinder person ever sense he stepped down from the position of Fourth Mizukage and to Naruto it seemed to be working. Instead of a glare that said he would kill you just for blinking he had a smile on his face.

"Yagura," Bee said. "What's up? Is some thing wrong?"

"No not really." Yagura said. "Fuu just wanted me to com get you two she's been dying to meet the great Naruto Uzumaki." 

"The Great Naruto Uzumaki?" Naruto asked.

"Word of your victory over Pain travels fast." Bee said. "All the others know a lot about you just by traveling merchants."

"I see," Naruto said. "I'm sorry to say but I don't know much about the others. The only person I know a lot about is you and Yagura, but the things I know about Yagura aren't the greatest things." 

"I know." Yagura said. "I was so angry of how I was treated I became a cruel person, but now I'm trying to change."

"It's never to late." Naruto said. "I just wish Pain could have seen that sooner. Then maybe we wouldn't be on the path of war."

"On that topic," Bee said. "Let's go me the others and start training, fools ya fools."

They walked farther into the temple and found the other Jinchurikis. Gaara wasn't amongst them do to the coming war and him being the Kazekage and all. There were two female Jinchuriki and the rest were male.

"Alright let's start with introductions," Bee said. "Let's start with the lowest tails up."

"Fine," Said one of the female Jinchuriki. "I'm Yugito Nii Jinchuriki to the Two Tails, Matatabi."

"I'm Yagura," Yagura said to everyone. "I'm Jinchuriki to Isobu. I hope we can all be friends."

"Friends?" A short man with red hair said. "We're all family! I'm Roushi, Jinchuriki to the four tails Son Goku, but call me Uncle Roshi if you like."  

"A Family." A tail man said. "I am Han, my beast is Kokuo. Let us all be a family."

"My turn then?" Asked a man who must be the six tail's Jinchuriki. "I'm Utakata and my friend sealed inside me is Saiken"

"Hello everyone!" A girl with hair that looked to be a light green or blue. "I'm Fuu the seven tail's Jinchuriki and my partner's name is Chomei." 

"So it's time form me." Bee said. "Hello every body! I'm Killer Bee master rapper and eight tail's Jinchuriki. My main man is Gyuki."

"I didn't know you rapped." Naruto said.

"Gyuki doesn't want me to make a scene." Bee pouted.

"Bee rapping," Fuu said. "This I got to see."

"Now hold on," Roushi said. "We've got one more family member to introduce."

"Right," Naruto said. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki and my friend and partner is Kurama. It is nice to meet you all."

They had all officially meet, well all except Gaara. Now it was time to get to business. They were all part of the brotherhood and they could all use their powers as Jinchurikis, but some of them were still new to their powers. Time to start training.

"Hold on everyone." Bee said. "Before we start training there is something that needs done."

Bee went outside of the team and made the others wait. A few minutes later he returned carrying a bundle of cloth. He unrolled it to show nine swords all with numbers on them.

"These are the Jinchuriki blades." Bee said. "For the safety of the world we are to put a bit of are tailed beast's chakra into the swords. They are combined with a strong sealing Jutsu." 

"Why do we need to do this?" Yugito asked.

"The Akatsuki are after the Tailed Beasts." Bee said. "If they get one and summon the Tailed beast and use it for there battle plans the world could fall. So just in case that happens these swords are a last resort. They will be able to seal the tailed beasts until a new Jinchuriki can be found."

"Very well." Han said taking a sword marked with the number five.

They others did the same. All of then stored a small amount of their tailed beast's chakra in the swords then gave them to Bee. He used a revers summoning Jutsu and sent the swords back to the Alliance HQ.

"Alright," Bee said. "Now let's start training. Naruto why don't you train with Fuu and Han?"

"Alright." Naruto said going into Tailed Beast chakra mode. Naruto was about to start training when he felt something. It wasn't Chakra, no it was someone's hatred and Naruto cursed himself for not noticing it at the Alliance meeting. It had been with Bee.

"Hey Bee," Naruto said. "Mind if I take shark skin for a run?"

"Not at all," Bee said. "But don't use him to bloke fire. He hates that."

Naruto looked over shark skin. He touched the blade that was covered by cloth. It sent spike like pieces of shark skin out of the skin and showed sharp teeth. It had to be coming from inside the sword. Naruto made two fake hands out of Chakra and pulled the sword's mouth open then reached inside. What Naruto pulled out surprised them. It was a man with blue skin that looked like a shark. It was the Akatsuki member Kisame.

"Hey your that creepy shark guy Zabuza killed!" Bee yelled.

"Well it looks like I've been found." Kisame said kicking Naruto to break free.

'I have to get all this info to Madara.' Kisame though to himself. 'Surrounded by Jinchuriki I doubt I can escape only one thing I can do.'

Kisame preformed a jutsu causing an explosion of water. Out of the water came a bunch of Sharks. One held a scroll and managed to fly out of the temple through the waterfall, but no one noticed. They were all focused on Kisame.

"You'll have to do better then that." Roushi said.

"Keep him alive." Utakata said. "We might be able to get info from him."

"I don't think so." Kisame said. "Even I a mercenary and rouge ninja wouldn't betray his comrades."

Kisame preformed another Jutsu. His body began to float in the air. Naruto watched as it began to expand.

"Everyone get back!" Naruto yelled. "He's a suicide bomber!" 

Everyone jumped out of the blast radius. Naruto watched as Kisame's body began to grow and grow until it exploded sending water every where. 

"Was it a water clone?" Yugiyo asked.

"No," Naruto said. "He was real. I can't sense his hatred anymore."

"He killed himself instead of giving up information." Fuu said in disbelief.

"Truly an honorable man." Han said.

" A shame he didn't work with us." Yagura said. "Loyalty is hard to find in people."

"Yeah," Bee said. "I'm going to report this. You guys stay here and start training and good work finding that guy Naruto."

"He's your sword back." Naruto said tossing Bee Shark Skin.

"Thanks," Bee said. "Be back soon."

Naruto watched Bee leave then turned to the others. It was time to start training. Naruto took a fighting stance while in Chakra mode. The other did the same in their similar looking red chakra cloaks. Let the training begin!


Hey everyone! Sorry for the slow update I've been doing mid terms this week. Luckily tomorrow is the last one so after that I can write as much as I wish. God I hate school! Anyway I hope you can all forgive me. Next time on Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings, The War begins! 

Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now