End Of The War

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"I see you two have arrived." The Sage of Sixth Paths said. "That must mean the Ten Tails has been released."

"It has." Naruto said. "That's why we're here."

"We were told you could help us." Sasuke said. "You sealed the Ten Tails years ago."

"Not only the Ten Tails," The Sage said. "But my mother as well. The Ten Tails was once my mother Kaguya."

"How did she end up like that?" Naruto asked.

"She grew power hungry and tried to steal both mine and my brother's chakra." The Sage said. "When she did she turned into the ten Tails. Now she is trying to gather all the chakra in the world again starting with you two."

"Why us?" Sasuke asked.

"Threw out time there have been reincarnations of me and my brother." The Sage explained. "Naruto is my reincarnation as were your my brother's."

"Who were the last reincarnations?" Naruto asked.

"Before you two it was the first Hokage and Madara." The Sage said. "Anyway your here for the power to defeat my mother."

"What should we do?" Naruto asked. "You can't kill a Tailed Beast."

"Your right Naruto you can only seal it." The sage said. "First you need to weaken it and I know how."

"How?" Naruto and Sasuke asked.

"Like how I did it all those years ago by separating the nine tailed beasts from the ten tails." The Sage told them. "Only this time you'll be separating the ten tails from my mother weakening the beast to be sealed and allowing my mother to die and move on to the other side."

"We do this how?" Sasuke asked.

"I with give you my power," The sage said holding out his black rod staff. "With my powers you can separate and seal the ten tails and my mother."

"Who do we seal the ten tails in?" Sasuke asked.

"I believe Naruto knows who."

Sasuke looked at Naruto and the blonde understood. Sasuke was still lost but they didn't have time to argue. Both Naruto and Sasuke grabbed the staff causing it to break in half. On Naruto's hand was what looked like a sun and on Sasuke's was what looked to be a moon.

"Good luck you two." The Sage said. Then everything went dark and they returned to the battlefield.


What felt like minutes to Naruto and Sasuke was really hours in the real world. Thanks to the Hokages taking on the enemy there really weren't that much in the way of loses. Naruto looked around to see Kakashi wasn't around.

"Dad," Naruto asked the fourth Hokage as he got up. "Where's Kakashi-sensei?"

"Obito and him transported somewhere to fight." Minato said. "Listen we don't have long. I hope you guys got what you needed."

"We did," Sasuke said show his new left eye he had been given by the sage, the Rinnegan. "Let's go Naruto!"

Naruto and Sasuke charged the Ten Tails only to be sent flying by a gust of wind. They looked to see the ten tails begin to move. It had gain enough power to fight.

"Hurry Naruto." The Third Hokage said. "Lord First is fighting Madara while Kakashi fights Obito. The Ten Tails is unprotected."

"Something tells me it doesn't need it anymore." Naruto said as the Ten Tails glared at them.


The Original White Zetsu and Black Zetsu watch as everything played out. Things weren't going exactly as planned but so far everything was still on track.

"When do we us Madara?" White Zetsu asked.

"First we need to get Obito," Black Zetsu said. "We force him to give up his life using the Rinnegan to bring Madara back to the world of the living as flesh and bone not a reanimation. Then we have Madara become the Ten Tail's Jinchuriki so mother can take him over."

"Sorry but that won't happen." Someone said.

The Zetsu turned to see an old man approach them. They didn't think of him as a threat and that was their mistake. The man moved faster then possible and stabbed the Zetsu with a hidden blade used by Assassins. At first they laughed at his attempt to kill them but then noticed their bodies weren't healing. They fell to the ground slowly dissolving.

"Who...are you?" Black Zetsu asked before he died without an answer.

"Me," The man said. "I'm just an old Assassin. Now I leave the rest to you Ezio, Naruto."

Sasuke charged the Ten Tails. His Susanoo wrapped around him like a suit of armor and he started to fight the beast. Using all his strength Sasuke picked up the Tailed beast and threw it. After it landed Sasuke used his Rinnegan to summon a rock from space to crush it.

It worked but the Ten Tails soon recovered. Sasuke once again charged it. His Susanoo shot purple chakra formed arrows at the beast who easily dodged. The beast charged a tailed beast bomb and shot it at Sasuke. Instead of hitting Sasuke it was hit by nine other tailed beast bombs.

Naruto and the other Jinchuriki had combined their powers to fight the ten tails. In anger the ten tails charged the Jinchuriki in hopes to absorb them and gain more power. This was Sasuke's chance. As the Ten Tails wrapped around Gaara in his tailed beast form and began to absorb him Sasuke used his Rinnegan to switch places with Gaara and Shukaku. Using the powers of the Sage of Sixth paths he was able to reverse the absorbing process and separate the Ten Tails and Kaguya.

Kaguya's body and soul now free turned to ash. Sasuke turned back to see the now weakened Ten Tails. Weakened, but not powerless. Now it was Naruto's turn.


Naruto and the other Jinchuriki turned back into their normal forms and watched Sasuke do his thing. Naruto was then joined by the other Shinobi of the allied forces as they cheered in victory. Naruto looked to Ezio.

"Ezio," Naruto said. "There's something we still need to do to win."

"What?" Ezio asked.

"I need to seal the now separated Ten Tails." Naruto said. "Like when the Nine original tailed beasts took their own forms so will the Ten Tails. It no longer has Kaguya as its master so it will run wild."

"You want me to be the host," Ezio said. "Don't you?"

"I do." Naruto said. "Like the other Tailed beasts it is now a new born. I believe you can help teach it to be good by befriending it as its Jinchuriki."

"Very well," Ezio said. "Let's do this."

Naruto and Ezio moved towards the Ten Tails. It was smaller now but still as big as one of Orochimaru's summoning snakes. It lashed out at them but they were to fast. Naruto preformed a sealing jutsu that came with the powers of the Sage of Sixth Paths the seal the Ten Tails away. Naruto directed it to Ezio causing a seal similar to Naruto's to form on his stomach. It was over, the Ten Tails was defeated.


The allied forces had won. Kakashi had come back with Obito's body say he had managed to show Obito the light before his death. The first Hokage had defeated Madara who was now weak enough for Orochimaru to release the Reanimation Jutsu on him. The Zetsu army and the original Zetsu were defeated, as well as the Templars, Akatsuki, Obito, and Madara. The war was finally over.


Next time on Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings, We tie up some loose ends.


Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now