The Enemy's Plans

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The room was dark and the only light came from the candles in the room. In the middle of the room was a long table with all types of people around it. Some of them wore long black coat with red clouds on them. Others wore there own choice of clothing. Every seat was filled but one. The owner had just shown up, he was a man who also wore a black long coat with red clouds on it and his face was covered with an orange mask.

"I see you made it Tobi." One of the men without a black long coat said. "We were begin to think you forgot about the meeting."

"I remembered." Tobi said. "I had something to look into before the meeting."

"What ever," The man said. "Let's begin the meeting. To start let's talk about what we are to do about the Jinchuriki."

"Are spies tell us all the Jinchurikis are in Assassin hands." Another man told everyone. "I knew we should have focused on finding the apple instead of capturing the tailed beasts."

"It does seem to be impossible to capture them now." The first man who had spoke said. "Now that the Assassins have them in hiding we may never find them."

"I have an idea Richard." A pale man with long black hair said.

"Speak Orochimaru," Richard said. "Maybe this will make up for your failure on capturing the leaf's Jinchuriki."

"Yes but I did kill the Third Hokage." Orochimaru said.

"No," Someone said. "He killed himself you just gave him a hand in doing so."

Some of the people around the table laughed. In the battle with the Third Hokage Orochimaru lost part of his soul resulting in him losing his hands

"Even without my hands I can still kill you." Orochimaru threatened.

"Enough," Richard said. "Speak Orochimaru my patients is running thin."

"In a few months I will finally perfect the Reanimation Jutsu." Orochimaru said. "In case any of you forgot this Jutsu will allow me to bring the dead back to life as my puppets, and when it is perfected I can use 100% of their power."

"How will that help?" Someone asked. "You can't use the Jutsu without your hands."

"Yes," Orochimaru said. "That is why I'll be teaching my assistant Kabuto the Jutsu. With this Jutsu we could make a reanimated army of ninja. In fact after years of testing I've already made an army only there not as strong as they should be, but they can't die so that shouldn't be a problem."

"Then that will help with my plans on how to capture the tailed beasts." Tobi said.

"What's your plan?" Richard asked.

"War," Tobi said. "The Assassins and the Alliance will keep them hidden even during the war, but they wont be able to hide the war from them for long. In the end they will come to us. Then we can capture them."

"How do you plan to fight there forces?" Someone said. "Even with all of us and the reanimations we can't hope to stand against all the enemy forces and the Jinchurikis."

"You underestimate the power of my reanimated ninja." Orochimaru said. "Using the Jutsu when perfected I can reanimate plenty of the worlds strongest Shinobi."

"Let us not forget the thousand of Zetsu we have to strengthen are army." Tobi added.

"Yes," Richard said. "We will go to War."

"I will declare War on the Alliance at there next meeting." Tobi said. "Right now they believe I'm Madara Uchiha and just the name will make them agree to war."

"Idiots," Someone said. "Madara's been dead for years. Hey Orochimaru can you bring Madara back with your reanimation Jutsu?"

"I can," Orochimaru replied. "I just need some of his DNA. A piece of hair or bone will do."

"We have much to do," Richard said. "Orochimaru get to work on that Jutsu. Tobi, oh wait, Madara set the board for the war."

"Very well,' Tobi said. "I have a plan about how to get a spy behind enemy lines. I'll start from there."

"Good," Richard said. "Once we get the tailed beasts we can rule this world and create peace. May the Father of Understanding guide us."

"May the Father of Understanding guide us!" Everyone said.

As the room emptied out only the people with the black long coats with red clouds stayed. They were all members of the mercenary group the Akatsuki.

"What about this spy?" A man with long blonde hair said. "It better not be me because my art needs to be seen and I can't do that as a spy."

"Calm down Deidara," Tobi said. "I've picked Kisame as the spy. Hidan, Kakuzu, Zetsu, and Kisame here is a scroll containing the details of how to get Kisame behind enemy lines now go."

They left leaving the other members. Two other members turned to leave. The man had spiky orange hair and piercings all over his face. The other was a women with light purple hair and orange eyes. The man with Orange hair was special he had an unique pair of eyes kind of like the Sharingan and Byakugan. He possessed the eyes of the Sage of Sixths Paths, the Rinnegan.

"Nagato, Konan, where are you two going?' Tobi asked.

"I'm going to go save up my chakra to take on the strongest Jinchuriki before the war." Nagato said. "If I can capture the nine tails before the war then that will give us more of an edge."

"Fine," Tobi said. "In three months we declare war. You have until then to capture Naruto Uzumaki. If you can't then come back we can't take any chances of weakening are military power. "

Nagato and Konan left to get ready for there battle with Naruto. Soon after the others left as well. Tobi was alone when a copy of Zetsu came into the room.

"Everything is going as planned." Zetsu said. "None of them know why we really want the tailed beasts."

"Yes," Tobi said. "Everyone thinks it's to make weapons of war, but we only need the beasts to restore the Ten Tails."

"Then you will become its Jinchuriki." Zetsu said.

"Yes," Tobi said. "Then I'll cast the most powerful genjutsu on the surface of the moon and bring about world peace."


The Akatsuki and Templar's plans are revealed. Only the puppet master Tobi is playing them all. How will Naruto and the Alliance take down the coming threat and how with the Akatsuki get Kisame behind enemy lines? Find out in Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings! Next time, Jiraiya receives a new Mission!


Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now