Even Pain Can Become Love

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Naruto looked at the orange haired puppet across from him. Up to this point he was able to use Jiraiya's Information to get the upper hand, but there was no Info on this puppet's power. All Naruto knew was this puppet was once one of Jiraiya's students called Yahiko. If his eyes are like the others then Yahiko died some time ago. Now he was being controlled by he's friend and now evil Akatsuki member Nagato.

They stared at one another then charged. Black rodes appeared out of his sleeves and he used them as weapons. Naruto had his Katana that Ezio had given him back when he first became an Assassin. They clashed with their weapons and the sound of conflict filled the air. Naruto could hold his own but was still alert still not sure of this Pain's powers. Then suddenly Naruto was pushed back without warning. As Naruto hit a tree then felt something sharp penetrate his shoulder. It was one f Pain's Chakra rodes that he sued as a weapon. He was now using it to pin Naruto to the tree. He did this to both Naruto's shoulders and his legs.

"You lose Nine Tails." The former body of Yahiko said.

"Wrong," Naruto said. "For starters I'm Naruto and the Nine Tails is Kurama and you haven't won yet."

Suddenly Naruto's Nine Tails Chakra cloak formed a fist and punched Yahiko's body sending it flying. He then formed more hands from the Chakra and freed himself. Naruto Charged at the recovering puppet who could only block as best as it could. Then from no where there was a huge burst of energy and Naruto heard the puppet yell, "Almighty Push!" The burst of energy was so strong it destroyed the trees they were fight by and even the outskirts part of the village. Naruto cursed as he slowly recovered from the attack.

"Hey Kurama," Naruto said in his mind. "Can we speed up the healing by any chance?"

"No," Kurama replied. "I'm starting to reach my limit on Chakra."

"Then we have to finish this quickly." Naruto said.

"This ends now Naruto." Yahiko's former body said bring Naruto back to the battle.

The puppet released a ball of energy into the sky. Naruto watched as loose rocks and trees went to it. Then the ground began to break and large pieces of earth began to form a small moon like object. The ground Naruto was standing on began to fly into the air. If he got caught in this he was done for.

"Naruto," Kurama said. "Use the last of my Chakra to make a Tailed Beast Bomb and destroy its core."

Naruto took on Kurama's fox Chakra cloak that formed a Chakra version of Kurama's large body. He then began to charge its attack. A black and purple Chakra ball formed in the sky. Kurama ate it the aimed at the small moon like object. He them opened his mouth and fired the Tailed Beast Bomb. The attack hit the giant floating rock and destroyed its core freeing Naruto. His Chakra cloak disappeared as did his sage mode. Both Naruto and the clone had used a lot of Chakra, but unlike the clone Naruto could still use some strong Jutsu. The puppet charged Naruto with black rodes as weapons again but Naruto teleported away. Then he reappeared with a Resangan in hand hitting Yahiko's already dead body.

"How?" It croaked.

"Will we were fighting I was placing Chakra points in the ground." Naruto said. "Once I had enough I made a huge teleportation mark. So now I can teleport anywhere in this marked area."

"Damn you," Yahiko's former body spat. "Why do you refuse peace?"

"I welcome peace," Naruto said. "Just not how your going to achieve it. We'll talk soon I'm coming to you now."

Naruto knew where the real Pain was when he stabbed himself with a chakra rod after beating the female Pain puppet. He could have gone to him first, but then the puppets would have attacked the village. It wasn't that hard finding the place. A tree not too far from the Village. Naruto used a Resangan to make a door for himself. Inside was another on of Jiraiya's students and Akatsuki member Konan next to her in some Machine with chakra rods out of his back was Nagato. His body was pale and you could see his bones too well. His face was covered by red hair and when he looked at Naruto you could see his Rinnegan.

Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now