The First Fight in a Long War

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Gaara had given his speech and they moved out. After traveling for sometime the divisions split up. Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Neji, and Hiashi were with the 2nd division lead by Kitsuchi, Onoki's son. Kitsuchi was a tall brawny Shinobi with a dark-gray hair and beard as well as the iconic big nose his families males have.

"All right everyone listen up." Kitsuchi said. "The Intel division tells us enemy forces are moving underground to surprise us, but we're going to dig them up and then put them back in the dirt six feet under."

There was a yell of agreement amongst the troops and they keep moving. Hinata's heart was beating faster and faster as they got closer to where they were to wait for the enemy. Neji moved next to her.

"Are you sure you should be fighting in this war?" Neji asked. "Most of the clan is here so it's not like they don't have enough eyes."

"This war is to protect Naruto." Hinata said. "If they get him it wont matter if I fought in this war or not."

"What if you die?" Neji asked. "Not only would Naruto blame himself, but your kids wouldn't have a mother."

"I don't plan on dying." Hinata said. "Ever chance I have I train even though I gave up my life as a ninja. I'm ready for this."

"That may be," Hiashi said joining the conversation. "But your in a relationship with a Jinchuriki. If the enemy finds out they might try to use you to get to Naruto."

"We're almost to the waiting point!" Kitsuchi yelled.

"No turning back now." Hinata said.


Kankuro lead his group along side Onoki, Sai, Shin, and Chiyo. Chiyo was a puppet Jutsu master and a village elder for the Sand Village. Chiyo was also the grandmother of Sasori, another member of the Akatsuki. They were flying above they enemies' territory using Sai's art Jutsu were he made living drawing of something. In this case they were birds.

"We'll secure a point for when we can get some troops up here." Kankuro said. "No one goes out on their own. We're in enemy territory anything can happen."

Suddenly there was an explosion. Kankuro looked to see one of their members burst into flames and fall to the ground dead. They were surrounded by clay bats flying in the skies.

"This is Deidara's exploding clay." Onoki said. "We're dead in we can't get out of the open."

"They're trying to get us to land." Kankuro said. "He could have a trap waiting. Tsuchikage please use your powers of the Particle style to clear a landing zone and then use earth style to give us cover on the ground."

"You got it!" Onoki said as a strange square formed in his hands.

Onoki used the square and shot a beam that destroyed the land and any trap on the ground. He then used earth style to make large rocks for cover on the ground. They landed on the ground and got to cover. Kankuro looked over his men. At first he had ten men without Onoki and Chiyo, but he had lost three in the attack.

"Is that you old man?" Someone called from the forests surrounding their newly made landing zone.

Two men in long black coats with red clouds on them walked into the clearing. On had hair that looked like Sai's girlfriend's Ino. Next to him was a man Chiyo recognized. He had short red hair and a puppet that looked like him floating behind them he was Sasori.

"Deidara," Onoki said. "I was wondering when you'd show your self."

"So old man," Deidara said. "Are you here to mock my art?!"

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