Christmas Eve

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Naruto opened his eyes to the smell of cooking breakfast. He slowly and went to get a shower. After getting out he put on a fresh pair of cloths. He walked down stairs to find Hinata at the stove cooking. Sasuke and Sakura were over playing with the kids. Naruto went to say good morning to Hinata, but Sasuke had noticed him first.

"Hey Naruto," Sasuke said. "We need to talk."

"Can this wait?" Naruto asked. "I would like to have breakfast with my family. You guys want to stay?"

"Yeah we can stay," Sasuke said. "But this can't wait. Meet me out side please."

"Alright fine." Naruto said. "Hinata, me and Sasuke are stepping put for a small talk if breakfast is done and were not back eat without us."

"We can wait." Hinata said. "Just try to make it quick."

They stepped out of the house and walk away from the house. When they were far enough Sasuke looked Naruto dead in the eye and pulled out a piece of paper. On it was the Assassin symbol with a list of names.

"So far these are all the people  I know are Assassins," Sasuke said. "I found out you ad Itachi are among them can you explain that?"

"I guess there's no reason hiding it anymore." Naruto said. "Ezio taught us all to become Assassins for a group called the Brotherhood. Are purpose is to work from the shadows to serve freedom and peace."

"How long have you two been Assassins?" Sasuke asked.

"Itachi started training when we were both still babies." Naruto said. "He became an Assassin to ensure peace for his little brother. I started my training as a small child without knowing it. When Ezio thought I was ready he let me join the Brotherhood."

"I see," Sasuke said. "You've been trying to protect the village just like Itachi by being an Assassin."

"Not just the village," Naruto said. "The whole ninja world. Who do you think caused the path way to this current Alliance? So what do we do now?"

"Go home," Sasuke said. "It's Christmas Eve morning so lets be with family, and don't worry I wont tell anyone about the Brotherhood." 

"You know," Naruto said as they started back to his house. "You could always become an Assassin."

"No thanks," Sasuke said. "I don't think I'm one for that kind of work, sorry."

They got back and breakfast was waiting for them on the table. Everyone sat down and ate. After breakfast Naruto and Hinata were going out to buy gifts so Sasuke and Sakura took the kids to Sasuke's parent's house. Usually Naruto wouldn't give the kids to anyone without a good verbal argument, but Sasuke could hold his own in a fight to protect them. So if anyone tries anything Naruto knew he would protect them.

Naruto and Hinata walked through the shopping area of Konoha for gifts. For some reason Kiba and his now full grown dog Akamaru tagged along.  Naruto didn't mind sense they helped carry boxes. They were almost done when Hinata asked Naruto something.

"Should we get the kids a pet?" Hinata asked Naruto.  

"A pet?" Naruto asked. "How can we take care of a pet and three kids?"

"You could use your shadow clones to take care of it." Hinata said.

"What if I'm in sage mode on a mission?" Naruto asked. "I can only use a certain amount of clones will in sage mode and I can't spend one taking care of an Animal."

"Why not get a ninja pet?" Kiba asked.

"A ninja pet?" Hinata asked. "You mean like Akamaru?"

"Yeah," Kiba said. "There are lots of trained ninja dogs."

Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now