The Assassin Returns Home

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When Naruto came back from his honeymoon he received news that he knew would one day come. Ezio was leaving for good. Everyone he knew was to meet him at the Assassin HQ. All the Assassins, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Naruto, and Hinata all went to say good bye. The Assassins had grown well in size and Shisui was next in line t be mentor.

Kakashi had given the job that Danzo had to Itachi. He was to train the new ANBU ninja. Shisui would take over the Assassins, and Naruto would become Hokage. Not only the Assassins were moving up in the line of work. Sasuke has also become police chief after his father retired. It was going to a bright future, but one with out Ezio.

In Leonardo's chambers was a large machine that looked like a hoop. Leonardo called in a Transfer Gate. It would harness the powers of the apple and send them home. Naruto didn't want them to leave, but they were going to anyway. He needed to be strong.

"Do you have to leave?" Naruto asked.

"The Assassins here have grown strong and have beaten the Templars." Ezio said. "Now I must do the same in my own world."

"Or other worlds." Leonardo said. "After opening the Gate I saw hundreds of new worlds to see. I even saw one some guy with spiky, gold, glowing hair screaming like was constipated. Weird."

"I think we should just head home." Ezio laughed. "Anyway, be strong Naruto. I just really noticed your taller then me."

Naruto hadn't noticed either. Naruto was never really tall, but that was another one of many things that changed.

"I'll miss you." Naruto said.

"I'll miss you too." Ezio said. "I'll miss all of you, but this is for the best. As the Ten Tail's Jinchuriki I must take the Ten Tails to my world to keep it out of the hands of people like Madara. No one in my world knows about tailed beasts so no one will go looking."

"You'll have to reseal it in a new host or it will be released when you die." Itachi said.

"I've already learned how to do that." Ezio said. "I'll see that everything is taken care of."

"Ezio," Sofia said. "It's time."

The gate began to glow blue and Ezio, Sofia, and Leonardo approached it. Leonardo went first, then Sofia, but Ezio turned to the others. He placed his hand on the apple keeping the gate open.

"Naruto," Ezio said. "Your soon to be born child, what is it's name?"

"We plan on having two," Naruto said. "We think this one will be a boy so we are going to name him Boruto. We plan on also having a girl named Himawari."

"Those are good names." Ezio said. "Good-bye everyone. Nothing is True!"

"Everything is Permitted!" The Assassins shouted.

With a smile and a wave Ezio went through the portal. Shisui ordered the portal to be taken to a cave in the outskirts of the village. Naruto casted his head to the ground remembering everything him and Ezio did together. He looked at Hinata and kissed her witch made him feel better.

"Let's go home Hinata." Naruto said look forward to the future.


Ezio's eyes slowly opened to the morning light. He expected himself to wake up in the temple were he and Leonardo had been teleported from, but he was laying in bed. He looked around and noticed something familiar. Wait, this was his room in his house at Firenze. He got out of bed and touched the bottom of his face. His old scare he had was gone. What was going on? Had everything been a dream? There was a nock on the door and a servant walked in. He was more like a friend to Ezio really.

Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now