Naruto's Four Suns

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Everyone looked at the Raikage. He was beyond angry, but Naruto wasn't going to back down. Not as long as Hinata was in dangers way.

"Bee!" Ay yelled. "What the hell are all of you doing?!"

"Oh no," Bee said in fear. "It's big Bro!"

"Hey," Fuu said. "He can rhyme."

"Fuu," Roushi said. "Now is not the time to joke around."

"Naruto," Tsunade called. "What the hell are you doing coming all the way out here. You need to stay at Turtle Island."

"Hinata's fighting," Naruto said. "The love of my life, as well as my friends. If you think I'm going to stay at some Island and let them all die?"   

"If your captured it means the end of the Shinobi World." Ay said. "Your all a symbol of hope for the villages. If even one of you were captured in front of them the hopes of the ninjas fighting would be destroyed."

"What's the point if all those we care about are dead?" Yugito asked.

"Without them," Roushi said. "I would rather be dead."

"We're all in agreement." Naruto said. "If you want to stop us you can go ahead and try."

"If you try to leave I'll kill you." Ay said. "If your dead then the others will return to the Island after watching you die and the enemy will have to wait until the nine tail remerges."

"What are you saying Raikage?!" Tsunade yelled in anger. 

"In your state you can't stop me Tsunade." Ay said. "If Naruto tries to head to the battlefield I'll kill him."

"You try to kidnap my mother as well as my lover," Naruto said. "Now you try to stop me from saving those I care about. If you don't move Raikage then I'll make you."

"I warned you." Ay said.

Ay flew at Naruto with great speed. His blue lighting like chakra incased him. As he went to punch Naruto with a killing blow someone stopped him. Bee had used his own fist to stop Ay's attack.

"Bee," Ay said. "Why did you stop me? How did you get so strong."

"You really are a fool ya fool." Bee said.

"What?!" Ay asked in anger.

"Can you really not tell from my fists?" Bee asked. "When we bump fists we could always tell what the other is feeling. If you can't tell how I got this strong then I'll tell you."

Ay watched his brother waiting for an answer. Bee pulled his fist back an smiled at his older brother, even though they weren't related by blood, they were by bond.

"It's because of you bro," Bee said. "Each one of us overcomes any optical in are way because of the Suns in are hearts that full us. Your one of my suns bro, in your wish to protect me you seem to forget how strong I can be. Naruto is jut like me only stronger you see, unlike me Naruto has four suns."

"Four suns?" Ay asked. "Naruto, what are your four suns?"

"First would be my love, Hinata." Naruto said. "Next are my three children Aiko, Hiro, and Yuki."

"Three kids," Fuu said. "He works fast."

"Shush Fuu." Yagura said.

"Now do you understand bro," Bee said. "We can't and wont lose. Not as long as we have a reason to fight. So are you still going to stop us?"


"Are you sure?' Shikaku asked a man.

"Yes sir." The man said. "Reports say the enemy Zetsu have taken the form of ninja and are killing are forces in the cover of night."

"Damn," Shikaku said. "Have check points set up everywhere. Also have every ninja who is brought to the medic corps interrogated. Ask them questions only the real one would know."

The man did as he was told and left. Shikaku fell into a chair with a sigh. Morning was coming and the reports of how many people had died last night would be in. How high was it going to be, and would anyone he know be on there? Lord forbid one of the names to be Shikamaru.

"Tired?" A man with a blond ponytail asked. 

"A little." Shikaku said. "How are you, Inoichi?"

"I'm fine." Inoichi replied. "How are the Raikage and Hokage?"

"Last I check the were almost on top of the Jinchuriki." Shikaku said.

"Let's hope they can keep them out of the war." Inoichi said.

"I don't," Shikaku said. "The alliance may be strong but the enemy still hasn't played all their cards. I believe we may need the Jinchuriki."


The Raikage went into full power. Even after the talk with his brother he wasn't backing down. Everyone got ready to fight but Naruto gave them a signal to stand down.

"The Sanin Jiraiya once said that your father, the fourth Hokage Minato, was the savior of are world." Ay said. "I once believed him but he's dead. What do you think?"

"My father was the savior." Naruto said. "His will lives in me and I have taken on his mission. I am... no  we are the saviors of the Shinobi world. Me, my father, my sibling student Nagato. We were and still are the saviors of this world." 

"Then prove it if you want to go to the battle field." Ay said. "I will use my top strength and speed in one punch. Your father was the only person ever to dodge it. If you can then I will believe what you say and you may leave."

"Fine," Naruto said. "Let's go."

Ay charged his chakra. Blue lightning covered his body. Naruto in his Nine Tails Chakra cloak waited for the Raikage to strike. Ay jumped at Naruto with lightning speed. Every one looked to see Naruto gone and the Raikage standing were Naruto had been. With an orange flash Naruto appeared behind him without a scratch. 

"I wont lose." Naruto said.

"You better not." Ay said with a smirk. "Get going."

Naruto lead the Jinchuriki towards the battle field. Tsunade watched them leave and smiled at Naruto. He was so much like his father and Jiraiya it scared her.

"Naruto Uzumaki the Savior huh?" Ay asked himself. "Come on Tsunade. We're heading back to HQ to see how things are going.

The small rays of morning light began to cover the earth. Soon the number of Shinobi that had died at night would be clear. Not only that but as the second day of the war begins so does the real fighting.


"How is your new eye Obito?" Madara asked.

"It's almost done adjusting." Obito replied

"My spies tell me the Jinchuriki are heading to the battle field." Madara said.

"Shall I go capture them?" Obito asked.

"Not yet," Obito said. "Let Orochimaru try to capture them. You will fight them one on one... well one on nine if he fails. While you two play with them I will start the ritual of releasing the Ten Tails."

"Why not wait until he have the tailed beasts?" Obito asked.

"If Orochimaru fails you can't capture them alone." Madara said. "Plus it will take time to undo the seal on the Geto statue. We can't take any chances we start now."


Next time, Naruto and the Jinchuriki make their entrance!

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