The New Uzumaki Family

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Naruto had been walking around in a waiting room with most of his friends. Sasuke, Sakura, Haku, Sasuke's parents, Hiashi, Hanabi,  Aiko, and someone new. In Sasuke's mother's hands was a pink blanket wrapped around something. Naruto looked closer to see the cute face of a baby girl only a week or two old. It was Sachiko Uchiha, Sasuke's new born sister.(Remember Sasuke's Christmas present during the Christmas Eve party?) It had been about nine or eight months sense the Kage meeting.

"Naruto," Sakura said. "Please sit down your making me uneasy."

"I can't," Naruto said. "If I focus on walking like this my mind wont run wild."

"Every thing is going to be fine." Sasuke's mother said. "I've done this three times and look at me."

"Yeah," Naruto said. "But I still can't help it."

"Naruto," Sakura said. "I've been train with Tsunade for some time now. Hinata will be fine."

"This isn't just some check up or anything." Naruto said. "Hinata's giving birth and I'm stuck in here."(You guys remember Naruto's present to Hinata after the Christmas Eve party?)

"I know that Naruto," Sakura said. "But Hinata is strong. She'll be fine just you wait and see." 

Naruto took a seat and Aiko rested her head on his lap. Aiko, Naruto and Hinata's adopted Daughter, had just turned eight last month. He brushed her hair as she fell asleep. They had been here sense this morning when Hinata's water broke. Naruto thought about his child he would soon meet. He could wait to see him or her. Raising both Aiko and his soon to be born child was something he had been looking foreword to far a long time.

"Tell him." Sasuke said pushing at Sakura.

"I don't want to worry him." Sakura whispered.

"What?" Naruto asked. "What did you want to tell me."

"Well it's just that Hinata's gotten really big." Sakura said.

"She's pregnant," Sasuke's mother said. "All pregnant people get big."

"I know that," Sakura said. "It's just Hinata's to big. Almost like she's carrying twins."

"Twins!" Naruto said trying not to yell and wake Aiko. "How could this happen?"

"Well," Kurama said inside Naruto's head. "When a man and a Women love each other very much..."

"I know how babies are made Kurama." Naruto said out loud not caring if the others heard him.

"Arguing with Kurama again?" Sasuke asked hiding a smile.

"Everyday he teases me about this." Naruto said. "He's always making comments about me getting Hinata pregnant."

"Naruto and Hinata sitting in a tree," Kurama sang in Naruto's head to annoy him. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

"Try and finish your song and I wont give you any time to your self." Naruto told Kurama in his head. "Remember I make the clones you use or summon you to do as you wish."

"Fine," Kurama pouted. "I was just having fun."

Just then Shizune, Tsunade's assistant, walked into the room. Everyone looked at her for news about Hinata.

"She'll be just fine." Shizune said. "Everything went smoothly."

"Thank goodness." Hiashi said. "So am I a grand-father to a grand-daughter or grand-son?"

"I think Hinata should tell you when she's ready." Shizune said with a smirk. "For now she just wants to see Naruto."


Naruto slowly moved so he wouldn't wake Aiko. After he was free he followed Shizune to the room Hinata was in. He took a deep breathe and walked in. To one side was Tsunade talking to a nurse to the other was a girl about Naruto's age with long Indigo hair and lavender eyes laying in a hospital bed. He remembered how she use to have short hair but decide she wanted to grow it out. She was dressed in the clothing provided for you when you go to the hospital and in her hands were two babies wrapped in blankets. One in blue the other in pink.

"Naruto." Came a tired voice filled with joy.

"I'm here," Naruto said. "How is the love of my life doing?"

"Other then being exhausted I'm good." Hanta laughed.

Naruto peeked inside the blankets to see the two small faces of his son and daughter. They had small whiskers like he did.

"Do you want to hold them?" Hinata asked.

"Sure." Naruto said as he cradled both of the babies between his arms. He tensed up like the babies he was holding were bombs ready to go off and Hinata laughed.

"So," Hinata said. "What should there names be?"

Naruto looked at the babies and smiled. He and Hinata had chosen names about four days after they learned she was pregnant. Two of the names they picked stood out to Naruto.

"Are Daughter will be Yuki Uzumaki and are Son will be Hiro Uzumaki ." Naruto said. "What do you think?"

"I love the names." Hinata said as Naruto handed Yuki and Hiro back. Just as Hiro got into Hinata's hands he started crying. Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out his old rattle dram and twisted it. It began to make noise and Hiro calmed down. Just like Naruto when he was a baby Hiro seemed to like the toy. Naruto looked at Hinata and his two new born babies. His family was growing bigger everyday. He was now father of three. Who knows maybe Hinata will want to have more kids. *wink*


Okay here is chapter 3! I hope you all enjoy it. Next time on Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings, Naruto spends time with his family and talks with Itachi.


Naruto: New Beginnings and Sad Endings(Sequel to Naruto: The Orange Assassin)Where stories live. Discover now