Chapter 11: Knife

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The Previous Chapter:

With that Kai and go to the Kitchen, while I'm walking there he's busy sticking out his tongue at the others and whispering: "I bet you're all jealous that my girlfriend is that great! Too bad!"

We watched a movie or more like I was watching to movie 'cause he kept looking at my bra and I was sitting on his lap. After the movie we go to bed and it takes a while for us to go to sleep because we talk about things while being in each other embrace.


Keiko's P.O.V.

I was woken up by Kai giving a good morning kiss.

-Hey. Do you want chicken?

-But it's the morning. Wait never mind. It's almost 10A.M. close enough to lunch.

-So let's go!

*Ring Ring*

-What's that?

Kai asks his child like happiness fading away.

-Dang it I need to get Isabella to work on the costumes.

-Oh okay I will eat chicken alone waiting for you. *Kiss*

I leave and get to my shared apartment with Isabella, I unlock the door and see Chen and Isabella sleeping together on the couch (fully clothed) Her on his lap and her head on his shoulder while he hugs her close. I start screaming and fangirling. When Isabella falls off the couch yelling too. Chen wakes up just as Isabella is falling and he immediately goes to catch her and falls on top of her.

-Hi. (Chen)

-Hi. (Isabella)

-Guys I'm still here and i'm dying... Plus Isabella we need to go make costumes. We both get dressed Isabella changes to her maroon hoodie and black skinny jeans with black flats. While I got dress in a black off the shoulder crop top and a white skirt leopard flats. I brought all the material necessary and I shoved it in my purse while we both rush to the door. Before we leave Chen yells out...

-Give me some love before you go!

While pouting.


Isabella turns around and just kisses him full out on the lips. As she pulls away I see a surprised look on Chen's face like he was not expecting that at all but it soon fades into a wide grin.


Isabella says walking away swaying her hips. With that I throw the keys to wake him up for his daze, but also to lock the door and we leave.


Isabella-Rose's P.O.V.

We got on the motorcycle and went to the studio to get to work. When we got there, their was this boy that looked like he was watching us. But I didn't do much about it.


Xiumin's P.O.V.

I was about to say "hi" to Keiko and Isabella but I notice someone lurking around at the corner of the hallway. I followed where he was looking, he was looking at the two girls. So I noticed that he was going to make a move.

-Hey! Keiko and Isabella!

I quickly drag them into the studio.

-Hey! What's up with you?

-You guys didn't notice the guy by the corner of the hallway.

-Yeah.. But what did you want me to do?

-Whatever I'll just stay here with you guys in case.

- Ok...

*Time Skip* Late at night

We ended staying late at night to finish the costumes. We were going to go and drop the costumes off that the guys apartment when I saw a man walk towards us. I saw a knife and all of a sudden, I froze, not knowing what knowing what to do I wanted to protect Isabella and Keiko I saw the knife flying towards...


Keiko's P.O.V.

There's a strange man walking towards us, I looked at the corner of my eye Xiumin in a state of shock like that he realized that... THE MAN IS HOLDING A KNIFE!!! I immediately go more close to Isabella so I can protect her if I need to. But I was to late...


The knife came flying at her and slice her cheek... and landing on the wall behind her. Anger took me over. How dare he do that to Isabella.

-Xiumin take care of Isabella. I'll be right back... I just need to beat this bastard to a pulp.

-Are you okay?

-Yeah... but he's not gonna be... Oh and call the police.



Isabella-Rose's P.O.V.

I did not see anything, but the next thing I know I'm being grazed by a blade, and I turn and see a knife stuck on the wall behind me and my cheek is cut... this is going to be interesting. But, I'm more worried about that lunatic, he doesn't know what is going to come at him. The look on my sister's face is pure anger, she's going to lose it if someone doesn't stop her. Xiumin comes up to me as Keiko tells him to call the cops.

-Xiumin don't worry about me. Keep Keiko from doing something stupid, and call the police.


I can hear Keiko's footsteps through the hallway, when she found the guy she was about to punch him but the police got there in time to put the guy in handcuffs and I'm taken care of by a medic. I won't need stitches the cut just need to be cleaned. I hear someone call my name I turn and see the guys, and Chen running up to me, looking really worried.

-Are you okay?

He asks as he looks at my cheek. He looks up and sees the guy being dragged away by the police and I see his eye fill with hatred. I didn't like the look in his eyes. I tried and get his mind off it by pecking him on the lips, he blinks, looks at me, then he takes my face in his hands taking care of my cut cheek and smashes my lips to his and kisses me hard, with lots of passion. When we pulled away someone pushed our heads back together. They started to laugh and...

-Stay like that Chenella.

Keiko yells while Baekhyun holds our heads together and Chanyeol pretends to take pictures of us kissing. We gave in and just let them do their thing. Chen was laughing too, and if he was okay and happy so was I.


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