Chapter 16: You Can Dance?

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Italic = Isabella talking

Normal= Keiko or everyone else


The Previous Chapter:

-What happened?

-You'll be singing with Kai and I'll be dancing with Chen.

-For what? *head tilt*

-You dumbdumb. Remember...

-Remember what?

-*Squeal* (by Baekhyun.) You're SOOO CUTE!! * pinches my cheeks*

-What. Ouch! Baekhyun that hurt!

I finally understood what was going on so I get up and head toward a recording room with Kai.


Chanyeol's P.O.V.

After lunch we go to the practice room, we have the rest of the day off. so why not practice, so we go to the room, Leo and Sasuke came with us to practice. Once everybody was changed, we got started Miss Theresa and Miss Lucy came in and helped us started we started with the group songs and dances, with us singers singing and sort of dancing and the others dancing and sort of singing. We all discovered that Isabella can dance, she never told us she can dance. We are all impressed, especially Chen, his eyes glimmered every time she danced or was in the spotlight. I noticed that she was not as focused and that she was not doing it full out but I don't think the others noticed. I ask for a break and Miss Theresa just looks at me and says...

-No! We need to get this perfect and that there is no time to rest.

-Miss I'm sorry but we can barely stand...


I look at her worried but she just takes a deep breath and nods while the rest of us are breathing heavily. Keiko seems like she's going to explode as she walks behind miss Theresa and she's going to punch her but Kai ends up holding her back and pulling her to the back of the class. Chen looks at Bella confused. He starts to walk over to her, but Miss Theresa yells at him and starts the music. We do it 7 more times before she is satisfied, she lets us rest and walks out of the class. Keiko is perfectly fine well -ish.

-What's wrong with &%#%^$#? I swear I'm going to $%&$&#!!!

-Keiko calm down. I'm fine.


-Drop it. I'm fine like I told you.

Chen comes up behind Bella and puts his hand slowly on her shoulder blade by her spine and she flails away putting her hand where his was. I wonder what that was about.


Chen's P.O.V.

Izzy is so graceful and amazing while we dance I feel a weird pain in my left knee and on my back all over but mostly by my right shoulder blade and my left shoulder but I have done nothing to hurt myself. After Miss Theresa yelled at Isabella I look over at her and saw her limping a bit, I have a hunch I think the tattoo is forming on my back has something to do with this. When Miss Theresa says we can rest Keiko and Izzy are fighting and my shoulder blade really hurts I'm going on a hunch and walk over to Izzy and slowly touch her back where mine hurts and she flails away from me she puts her hand where mine was and looks at me worried. I pull her away and talk to her...

-Does your back hurt?

-No why would you ask that?

-Isabella, please tell me.

I begged.

-Fine... Yes... It hurts but it's nothing.

-It does not feel like nothing.

She looks at me confused. I decide to trust her.

-I think I can feel your pain.

-How, what do you mean?

I hit my leg and I feel a little bit of pain and as I hit my leg Izzy holds hers where I hit mine she looks at me and shakes her head.

-This isn't possible.

-Apparently it is... Wait a minute I will look something up.

I walk away and leave her there looking confused but I think we might be soulmates but I need to look it up first.

-Chen? Please tell me what is going on in your head.

Izzy yells out. I look back and motion for her to follow me and we walk out. We find a computer and I look up soulmates and I hear Izzy makes a humm of understanding. We look it up and sees that we are in fact soulmates. I can't help but steal a kiss from her.


Kai's P.O.V.

We took our break after the rude teacher step out of the classroom. Although, Chen and Isabella step out for a second. Keiko was still dancing but she had headphones on. It seems like she was dancing hip-hop though, which was a bit surprising. She was already good at dancing in heels with a partners and I thought Isabella was the one who was in charge of dancing. I also thought that she was quite girly but I guess I was wrong. All the guys seem to be thinking the same thing as me. She started to hum the song a little and was doing some stretches, when she looked up at our reflection and saw us staring at her. She was shocked and embarrassed.

-I'm sorry!!

-Babe! It's fine. We want to watch.

-Actually I kinda don't want you to watch...


-Just that...

-It's ok just dance or sing it's fine.

All the guys nodded and agreed. So she took a deep breath and took out her headphones and played the music out loud. She then just started to concentrate on the dance. She was dancing really strongly and then she started to move her hips in a very sexy way. She seems to have forgotten that we were around since she just kept dancing and it only got more heated as she went on. We were all shocked and embarrassed but we couldn't take our eyes off of her. Just then Isabella and Chen walked in it took Isabella 0.1 seconds to hear the music and join her sister in dancing. Chen coughed and had to leave. The twins didn't seemed fazed and kept going. Then to top it off, Keiko started to sing, but she didn't say the bads word in the lyrics. The song ended with the girls tired and sweating. Not only that, Keiko was wearing a crop top and she had a belly button piercing I knew this but the guys just stared as the sweat rolled down her belly. Isabella and Keiko started to stretch. Chen walk back in right when Bella did her over splits. He looked at her with his eyes bulging out while Keiko laughs.

-WHAT!!!! *all the guys yell*

-What's wrong?


-What do you mean? We haven't done anything, Chen what did you do?

-Nothing. It's actually you guys.

Keiko started to walk back to me. But, she then trip on her own foot and came crashing on to the floor.

-That hurts...*T.T*


-Babe!! You ok?? HAHA!!

-*sniff* Why you gotta be so rude?

-I'm sorry here let me help you up.

I go and pick her up and then I carry her to where the guys are sitting.


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