Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I let out a heavy sigh as I ran a hand through loose pieces of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail.  Another late night working at the café; it’s not that I minded it, I was used to staying up late most of the time, it was just the fact that late nights at the café were usually boring.  Only a few people came in for coffee or tea this late at night, I’m sure they could find another café if the owner, Enrique, would let us close earlier.


I jumped at the sound of Enrique’s booming voice.  “Yea-”

“There’s a customer over there, hurry up and go take his order!”

“Sorry, Enrique.  I’ll get right on it.”  I said quietly.

I made my way over to the table where a boy sat.  He was leaned back into his chair with one leg crossed and resting on the other.  He seemed to be staring off into space like I was just a moment ago.  He had short, thick brown hair that tousled into loose curls around the ends.  He looked about my age which would be around 18-19.  He looked a bit over dressed for someone who was just coming into a coffee shop at this time of the night.  He wore tight black jeans and a black blazer with a black shirt underneath.  The boy must like black.

A jolt of nervousness shot through me when his eyes instantly found mine as I got close to him.

“Hi, what can I get you?”  I asked politely.  I always tried to keep my tone nice and sweet but not sweet to the point where the customer got the idea that I was flirting with them.  That happened a lot when I had first started working here a year ago.

The boy bit his lip as he looked at the menu before looking back up at me.  I noticed he had green eyes, very gorgeous green eyes I might add.

“I haven’t quite decided yet.”  He said in a noticeable British accent.  He must not have been from around here.  This was Ontario, Canada we rarely had people with British accents here.

I nodded.  “Okay, well I can come back in a few minutes.”  I turned to walk back to the counter.

“Wait, don’t go!”  He called out causing me to stop and turn back to face him.

“What’s your name, love?”  He smiled.

I tapped my name tag with my pen.

He smirked.  “I know, but I want to hear you say it.”

His tone made me a little uneasy but I didn’t want to show him that.

I sighed.  “Dair.”

He grinned.  “Like the game ‘truth or dare’?”

I pursed my lips, holding back the urge to roll my eyes.  I hated when people used that reference.

“Yeah, kinda.”  I said flatly, keeping my tone neutral.

“I like it.  It’s different.  But so beautiful.”  He smiled.  “I’m Harry.”

I nodded, trying not to seem rude or too uninterested.

My focus was on his eyes, I felt a gravitational pull from them.  I couldn’t look away but I didn’t really want to.  They seemed to almost swirl a little.  They were the most beautiful shade of green I had ever seen.  My mind seemed to go blank; all I could think about was his eyes and how captivating they were.

“Are you alright, love?”

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, his voice snapping me out of whatever that was.

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