Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


“What the hell are you doing here?”  Faye asked, glaring at Harry.

“Faye, you don’t understa-”

“And what the hell do you think you’re doing, Dair?!”  She yelled.

“I can explain.  If you’ll just liste-”

“I think I know well enough what’s going on or what went on!  I just don’t understand how you could be so stupid, Dair!”

Harry stood partially behind me, I felt him link one of his hands in one of my trembling hands behind my back.  I squeezed his hand in response, he could tell how panicked I was.

“And you!”  Faye turned her attention to Harry again.  “How dare you come back here after what you did to her!  I knew you were a jackass waiting for a good fuck and obviously by both of your lack of clothing, you got it either last night or this morning.  So you can leave before you hurt Dair anymore, you prick!”

“Faye!”  I cried.

Harry suddenly stepped in front of me, walking confidently over to Faye, his height looming over her but Faye didn’t back down and she wouldn’t.

“I know I hurt her.”  Harry said in a calm, but firm tone.  “I deserve to feel guilty for the way I left her.  You won’t understand but I did it for her safety.  And you should stop judging me for the type of person you think I am because in the end it’s reflecting badly on your personality, not mine.”

I stood there frozen, staring wide-eyed at Harry.  He had no idea who he was dealing with, but then again, neither did Faye.

“I’m not hanging around Dair just to have sex with her.  She’s an angel who deserves to be treated like one.  I don’t even think I’m good enough for her, but I am determined to treat her in the best way that I can.  I’m willing to fight for her.”

My hands shot up, covering my mouth as I gasped seeing Faye’s hand come up giving Harry a hard slap to the cheek.

“So am I.”  Faye said sharply.

I rushed to Harry who was slightly hunched over, desperate to see if he was alright.  He slowly straightened himself up, I held his arm, my eyes never leaving his face, but he wouldn’t look at me.  His stern gaze was still focused on Faye.

My eyes caught sight of the redness imprinted on his cheek from Faye.

“It’s one thing to be protective but it’s another thing to be controlling and judgmental of certain people who come in contact with the person you’re trying to protect.”  Harry stated.

Faye raised her eyebrows giving him a “who do you think you are?” look.

“You don’t know anything about me!”  She spat.

“Oh, but you know things about me?”  Harry shot back.

“ENOUGH!”  I shouted, jumping in between them.

“Faye, please.  Don’t hurt him.  I know you’re trying to protect me but I’m not a little girl anymore, yes I still need you.  I’ll always need you.  But you have to let me make some decisions on my own, make my own mistakes.”

“Sometimes people are blinded by love that they don’t realize the mistake they’re making.  And in your case, you’re making the same mistake a second time!”  She scolded.

“I’m not making a mistake with Harry!”  I cried.  “Harry loves me!  And I love him!”

“Right.  He loves you so much that he left you right after you tell him how you feel and he doesn’t say it back.  Yeah he totally loves you, Dair.”  Faye said in a sarcastic tone, shifting her eyes from me to Harry.

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