Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

 — Dair

I pulled the comforter up to my face as I revelled in its warmth.  The soft material wrapped around my naked body, making me feel so comfortable.

My hand reached out, eyes fluttering open when I only felt emptiness on the other side of the bed.

Harry was standing in front of his window with the sheet from the bed wrapped around his torso, resting just above his hips.

I smiled as I admired the view of his back.  His shoulder blades and the indent of his spine were beautifully defined and his shoulders were so broad.  From the side view of his face I could tell he wore a serious look.  He wore that look of seriousness when he was either deep in thought or mindlessly staring off into space.  I used to think he was angry when he wore that expression but I had come to learn that it was just automatic sometimes.  I thought it was cute.

I saw him smirk as he stared out his window, I knew he could feel me watching him.

He turned his gaze to me, his smirk widening.  “Like the view?”  He said, biting his lip.

I giggled as I gave him a shy nod.  “What are you doing over there?”

“Watching the sunrise.  Come see.”

“Harry, I’m naked!  I’m not standing in front of a window!”  I laughed.

He turned his back to the window, lifting the sheet up to cover his shoulders as he held his arms out to me.  “Come here, I’ll wrap you up in this.”

I blushed as I got up from the bed and scurried into his arms which wrapped around me instantly, his head dipping down to shield my face as he nuzzled his nose against mine.

He towered over me as he covered both of our bodies with the sheet and turned us around to look out the window.

I watched in awe as the sun peaked just above the horizon.  We stood there nestled against each other for a while, watching as the sun rose, emitting a beautiful shine and illuminating light onto mine and Harry’s faces.

My attention was averted as Harry slowly dipped his head and kissed the spot where my neck met my shoulder.  My eyes fluttered as I tilted my head to give him more access and leaned back against his chest.

I opened my eyes when I felt him stop.  He smiled sweetly, eyes never leaving mine.

“I love being able to kiss you whenever I want.  I love that I’m the one who gets to see you in your most vulnerable state...I’m sorry for being selfish but I never want anyone to see you in the ways that I get to, I don’t want anyone to touch you like I do.  I want you to be mine and only mine.”

I smiled and lifted a hand to touch the side of his face.  “You’re not selfish for wanting me all to yourself.  I don’t belong to every man in the world, Harry.  I belong to you.  I’m yours and that’s exactly what I want to be…just yours.”

He leaned his head into me, arms tightening around me as he held me close and rested his head against mine.  “I just feel like you deserve so much more.  I worry that someday you’ll find someone who can give you things that I can’t, or do things better than I can.”

“Shhh.  Where’s this coming from, Harry?  You give me everything I could ever want and so much more.  I don’t want anyone else, I’ll never want anyone else.”

One of his large hands came up, his thumb gently rubbing my cheek as he smiled that cute little smile where his dimples poked out.

“How does your head feel?”  He asked.

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