Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


“FAYE!”  I shouted.  I started to feel a little light-headed as my breath came out in heavy gasps, fearing for the worst.

I took off running, hearing Harry yell my name as he closely followed behind me.

I spotted the man Faye had danced with, sitting near the doors at the bar counter.

“What did you do with her?!”  I yelled as I ran up to him.

“Excuse me?”  He looked at me confused.

“Dair!  It’s not him!”  Harry informed as he caught up to me.

I shifted my eyes, relaxing my angered expression.  He wasn’t the vampire.

“Can you tell me where my friend is?”  I asked.

“What makes you think I know your friend?”  His eyebrows furrowed.

“Faye!  Remember?  You asked her to dance when she and I were dancing together?!”

“Oh!  Her.  Right, I was dancing with her but then some other guy showed up, claiming he was security and he said he needed her to come with him right away.  Pretty skinny and young for security if you ask me.”

“Where did he take her?”  Harry asked.  He stood directly beside me as if to guard me.

The man pointed in the direction where the ‘security guard’ took Faye.  I thanked him and rushed off with Harry to find her.

“Faye!  Faye!”  I called out, praying that she would answer me.

“Dair, if the vampire does have her you shouldn’t shout, we don’t want it to know we’re close.”  Harry whispered.

“Harry, I need to find her.  She’s my best friend.  If anything happens to her, I don’t know what I’ll do.  I…I...”

“Shhh.”  Harry said softly, cupping my face in his large hands.  “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.”

We walked towards the area where the bathrooms were.  I stopped by the door for the ladies washroom and was about to push the door open but I stopped and turned to Harry who looked like he was ready to barge right in.

“You can’t come in here, this is the ladies washroom!  What if there’s other girls in there?!”

He looked at me as if I was crazy.  “What if the vampire is in there?!”

“What if it isn’t?!  You don’t want to cause a scene, just stand outside the door and if the vampire is in there, I’ll scream.  Fair enough?”

Harry’s nostrils flared as he pursed his lips.

I took his no response as a signal to go and opened the door, carefully peeking around before stepping in and letting the door close behind me.

I stood there for a few minutes, scanning all around the room, it seemed like I was the only one here.  I started towards the stalls, bending down a bit to see if any feet could be seen under the doors.

I had just caught sight of a pair of black sneakers under the door of the very last stall when the door swung open and a figure lunged at me, shoving me hard against the wall.


He clasped a hand firmly against my mouth, preventing me from calling for Harry.  His red eyes stared into mine as he licked the tip of his fangs, smiling. 

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