Chapter 43

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Chapter 43


“Dair…Dair!  Talk to me, baby, please!”

Her body remained motionless on my bed as I hovered over her, squeezing her hand as I stared at her frantically.

I could hear her heart beating…very faintly, but still beating.  But if I didn’t do something, it wouldn’t be beating for much longer.

I rushed over to my bedside table, yanking the drawer open and pulling out the small knife I had hidden in there.

I winced as I dragged the edge of the knife across the inside of my arm and rushed back to Dair’s side.

“Baby, drink this.  It’ll make you better.”  I whispered softly as I held her head up with my other hand and pressed my arm to her lips.

Her face contorted as she refused to open her mouth.

“Baby, come on.  Just drink.”  I urged.

Her lips parted slightly as she started to drink the blood seeping out of the gash I had just created on my arm.

I wasn’t really thinking it through, but I figured having her drink my blood couldn’t possibly make things any worse than they were.  If I didn’t do this she would surely die and I wasn’t going to let that happen.

I let her head fall back against the pillow as she let out a few breaths.  I pulled off my shirt and used it to clean off her lips which were stained with my blood, then threw it to the floor carelessly; I’d wash it later.

Dair suddenly shot up, her breath coming out in gasps.

“Hey, hey.  It’s okay, you’re safe.”  I comforted her as I cupped the side of her face.

“What happened?”  She asked between breaths.

“It doesn’t matter.  As long as you’re safe and okay.  Do you feel alright?”

“Yeah…I feel great actually.”  She said sounding surprised.

I gave her a small smile.  “Good.  I’m glad.”

“Tell me what happened.”  She said softly, her tone hinting a bit of firmness.

“I saved you.  That’s all.”  I replied, my smile widening awkwardly.

“I remember how out of it I was…I was sure I was going to die.  What did you do, Harry?”

I frowned, averting my eyes from hers.  “I gave you my blood.  I couldn’t think of any other way.  I wasn’t sure if it would help but I figured it couldn’t make things any worse…I also didn’t know if it would turn you…but…at the time, all I was thinking about was saving you…I didn’t care what the cost was…I’m just thankful that you’re alright and still human.”

I peeked up at her when she didn’t respond.  She smiled faintly before leaning in and placing a kiss to my cheek.

Her face was inches away from mine as her eyes searched me.  She caressed the side of my face with her hand before kissing my lips softly.  I didn’t realize until my body relaxed that I was tensing.  With everything that was happening and has happened, nothing was going right.  The only thing that was right was us…her.

“I love you.”  I whispered as she pulled away.

Her eyes widened slightly but then she smiled.  “I love you too, Harry.”

“I’m going to find another way.  I’m not trying to keep your hopes up, I mean it, Dair I’m going to find another way to save Faye.”

There was a small watery rim under her eyes as she continued to smile, keeping her eyes on me as she gave me another gentle kiss.

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