Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


I hummed quietly as I rolled over, instantly feeling Harry’s body heat as I draped my hand over his shoulder, sprawling myself out on top of him.  He had one arm wrapped around my back, holding me close to him, and his other hand resting beside his head on his pillow.  His lips were parted slightly as he slept soundly.

I didn’t realize until now that I was smiling.  Harry was so captivating, every part of him, inside and out.  And the fact that I was the one who got to share tender moments with him and see him in his most vulnerable state, made me feel so special.

His eyebrows furrowed and I had wondered if he was waking up but a moment later, his expression relaxed into sleep again.

His head turned slightly to one side and then turned a bit towards the other side.  I tilted my head as I watched him.  He seemed to be dreaming.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared at him, watching his expression and studying his slight movements.  He had such an innocent, child-like face as he slept.  I felt the need to wrap him up in my arms and soothingly run my hands through his hair.

“But Mum…I want chocolate chip cookies for breakfast…”  Harry mumbled in his sleep.

It was barely audible but I was able to understand him.  I let out a small chuckle, trying not to laugh too loud and wake him up.

Seeing Harry talk in his sleep was just another thing to adore about him.

My eyes flicked downwards, catching sight of the sheet that only covered the lower half of Harry’s body; the sheet lay disoriented around his hips and I noticed that he didn’t have his boxers on.  He must have gotten hot and taken them off during the night.

I bit my lip, realizing that Harry lay completely naked underneath me and the sheet, as my eyes trailed back up his bare chest.

I reached a hand up and gently caressed the side of his face.  His eyebrows furrowed again as his nose crinkled a little.  

His eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times before they settled on me.

I smiled widely.  “Good morning.”

A lazy smile appeared on his lips as he looked at me with eyes half-lidded.  “Good morning.”  He spoke in his deep, raspy voice I loved to hear in the mornings.

“How long have you been awake?”  He asked curiously.

“Not long.”  I replied while my eyes shifted down to stare at his lips.

He let out a tired grunt.  “I’m sorry I…I guess I was just really tired last night.”

“It’s alright.”  I said softly as I gently brushed my fingers along the front of his hair, pushing it back a little.

“I didn’t know you talked in your sleep.”  I quietly added.

His eyebrows rose slightly.  “Did I talk in my sleep?  What did I say?”

“You were telling your mom that you wanted chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.”  I giggled.

He groaned.  “I should stop spending so much time with you, you’re starting to find out all my embarrassing secrets.”

I pursed my lips as a smile slowly appeared on his face.  “Well, if you want me to leave…”  I started to push myself off of him but Harry reacted quickly and wrapped his arms around me, tugging me back on top of him.

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