Chapter 6

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 ― Chapter 6


“Harry!  Harry!  Wake up!”  I shouted as I shook him frantically.

I had to lay him down on the ground because he was so much bigger than me and I wasn’t strong enough to hold him up.  His eyes remained closed as his body lay completely still.

“HARRY!”  My heart dropped when I held his wrist and couldn’t feel a pulse, until I remembered that he was a vampire and vampires didn’t have a pulse.

Mentally slapping myself, I turned to look in the direction of which the clunking sound came before Harry and I were engulfed in a puff of smoke.  Harry had told me to run, meaning he knew someone was coming.  I saw a man a few feet away, walking towards us.  He looked much older than me, he had a stalky figure to him, not a lot of muscle but I was sure he could easily grab me if he tried.

I scanned around, searching for some sort of escape.  A few people were walking around on the streets as well as a few cars driving by, but no one bothered to stop and see if the unconscious boy I was hovering over was alright.

I noticed a taxi coming down the street, I had never seen people flag down taxis or cabs here, it wasn’t like New York City, but I had to do something.

I jumped up and waved my arms hysterically so the driver would see me and luckily for me, he pulled over and stopped in front of me.

I stumbled as I rushed to pull the back door open.  I grunted loudly as I lifted Harry up and struggled to shove him into the back seat.  Once he was in, I jumped in myself and slammed the door beside me, anxiously shouting for the driver to hurry up and leave.

I let out a few relieved breaths as our taxi disappeared into a crowd of taxis and other vehicles.  Looking out the window, I saw the man standing where the taxi had picked us up, he was looking around unable to locate us, thankfully.

My eyes met the driver’s as he turned to raise his eyebrows at Harry’s limp body resting on top of me.

“He had a little too much to drink.”  I lied.

The driver just frowned and turned his eyes back to the road.

I gave him the address to my apartment and rested back into my seat.

I glanced down at Harry, his body lay sprawled out across the back seat with his head in my lap.  His legs were slightly bent at the knee as they dangled over the edge of the seat.  He was so tall.

My eyes trailed up to his face.  The lack of light prevented me from seeing his beautiful features but I could see the small outline of his lips, his hair, and his eyelashes as they rested on his cheeks.

I laid my head back on the seat, turning to look out the window as I rested one hand on his chest, feeling it rise and fall as he slept.  Absentmindedly, my other hand had tangled itself in Harry’s hair, brushing my fingers through it lightly.  I stopped when I realized what I was doing, but then I convinced myself that he probably couldn’t feel me doing it since he was asleep.  I continued combing my fingers through his hair as I stared out the window, his hair felt so nice, so thick and soft.

A few minutes had passed and I could see that we were getting closer to my apartment.  I fished my cellphone from my pocket and called Faye at home to tell her I would need her help when I got there.  I didn’t give her any details, I knew she was going to freak on me when she saw Harry.

The taxi pulled up to my apartment building and I noticed Faye waiting outside.  I quickly gave the driver money for the ride and took a deep breath as I opened the door.

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