Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


“Drink from me.”

Harry’s eyes widened slightly.  “What?”

“Drink from me.”  I repeated.


“You only need enough to give you strength to get back to your apartment then you can drink more from the blood you have stored and I’ll just regain my strength by sleeping it off.”

“What if I can’t stop?”  He breathed.

“You can.”  I cupped his face forcing him to look directly into my eyes.  “I believe in you, Harry.”

His eyes stared into mine, pleading for me not to make him do this.

“Please, Harry.  Please drink from me.”  I leaned forward, my lips close to his ear.  “Let me save you, please.”  I begged.

Harry grabbed me and flipped me around so he was in front of me while I was pressed against the wall.  His eyes started to change to a blood red colour and I could see that he was trying to fight it.

“It’s alright, Harry.”  I reached up and lightly brushed the side of his face with my fingers.

He squeezed his eyes shut, opening his mouth slightly as his fangs appeared.  Without warning he dug his teeth into the side of my neck causing me to let out a small cry of pain.  His hands held me tightly in place, not that I tried to get out of his grasp anyway.

I sat there as I felt my body getting heavier and weaker, the warm haze clouding my mind again just like the first time I was bitten.  I let my eyes close, letting the warmness engulf me.  In a strange way, it felt different this time compared to when Jack had bitten me.  Maybe because it was Harry, I trusted Harry, I felt safe with him.  I knew he would never hurt me intentionally.

I let out a strained breath, feeling my body get weaker and weaker, but the weaker I got, the warmer and more pleasure I felt.  I knew I had to get Harry to stop or he’d kill me.

“H-Harry…”  I moaned weakly.  “T-Too much…”

I managed to open my eyes a little and used any leftover strength I had to try and squeeze his shoulders, attempting to get his attention.

He tightened his grip on my arms and grunted in response.  I rested my hands loosely on his shoulders and my head fell forward onto his collarbone, his teeth still latched onto my neck.  I turned so my lips were at his ear as I barely managed out, “Harry…” and then my vision went dark.



I felt Dair suddenly go weak against me, she wasn’t moving, she didn’t say anything, I couldn’t even feel her breath on my skin anymore.

I tightened my grip on her arms again, trying to push her away and pull my mouth away from her neck.  She tasted better than anyone I had ever tasted and I had no doubt that she would be the best.  But I had to stop.  I was killing her.

I cried out in frustration as I dragged my teeth away from her neck, panting from the amount of strength it took to finally pull away.

A strained sigh came out of my mouth as I realized Dair’s neck was stained with blood.  I sucked in a breath as I hurriedly licked it off of her, cleaning it and allowing the wound to heal.

I quickly grabbed her wrist and felt for a pulse, it was faint but she was alive.  I scooped her up into my arms and ran as quick as I possibly could to my loft.

Once I made it there I carried her up to my room and gently laid her down on my bed.  I took off her denim jacket and her sandals leaving her in just her tank top and her ruffled skirt and brought the sheet and comforter up to cover her body to keep her warm and comfortable.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I stared at her; she was very pale and so lifeless.  I turned away and stood there, unsure of what I could do now.  I couldn’t give her my blood, there were numerous things that could go wrong if I did that.  But what if she didn’t wake up?  What if I just…


I whipped around at the faint sound of Dair’s soft voice.  I would’ve thought that it was just my mind making me hear things but there she was, eyes half-lidded and staring right at me.

“Dair…”  I breathed.

“Please lay with me.”  She was so soft-spoken, it was almost like a lullaby to my ears.

“Dair, you need to rest.”

“I will if you lay with me.”

I could tell she was exhausted, barely able to keep her eyes open but she did.  I didn’t want her putting more strain on her body so I complied and swiftly walked to the other side of my bed and sat on the edge as I stripped down to my boxers and climbed in beside her.

She started to shift her body and I was about to scold her for it but she stopped once she had flipped herself onto her side, facing me.

She weakly smiled.  “Harry?”



Her eyes fell closed as her head drooped slightly on the pillow.  I smiled.  Her face was inches away from mine as she exhaled relaxed breaths while she slept.  She looked so beautiful despite the whiteness in her face from being extremely drained.

My mind replayed the terrifying, yet incredibly enjoyable event where I had taken blood from her.  I came so close to killing her.  There was still a chance that now that she’d fallen asleep that she might not wake up, but since she managed to wake just a few minutes ago the chances were low but still existent.

I will never be able to erase how good she tasted.  And now it’s going to be even harder to resist the urge after I had gotten a taste.  She was so willing and that appealed to my vampire ego.  She relaxed into me and let me take what I needed from her until she started to realize that I was taking too much but even then I could sense little resistance from her.

My conflicting human side was riddled with guilt for what I had done.  I should have never drank from her, I would’ve died but then Dair would be better off without me, she would be safe.  I was selfish to have agreed to do it.  But then again, how was I selfish for wanting to live?  I had never asked to become a vampire.  It’s done nothing but make life even more lonely and miserable.

I rubbed the side of my head, an irritating migraine pounding against my skull.  I didn’t think vampires could even get migraines.

I couldn’t think about all this now, the only thing that mattered right now was Dair.  Her safety and well-being always came first.

“Then why did you drink from her?”  A taunting thought ran through my mind.

I got up from the bed, frustrated and annoyed, and slipped my jeans back on.  I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and ran a cloth under water and brought it up to my room.  I lightly moved Dair so she was lying on her back and placed the wet cloth on her head.  I went and got a soft blanket from my closet and stuck it between the sheet and comforter on the bed, hopefully that would keep her warm enough.

I hesitated before getting back into the bed beside her, slipping my jeans off again and tossing them onto the floor.  I turned to her, noting that she had started to shiver.  Being a vampire, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to warm her up but I remembered she had said that she usually found me warm.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and shifted my body close to her.

“I’m so sorry, baby.”  I whispered, leaning my head against hers.

I lightly kissed her neck, the same spot that I had bitten earlier. 

“Mmm…Harry…”  She mumbled quietly in her sleep.

I smiled sadly as I cuddled her; despite what I had done all I sensed off of her was desire and care towards me.  How could an angel like herself care so much for a monster like me?

I sighed in exhaustion, happy to finally drift off to sleep.  

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