Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


“Hi Harry, it’s Dair.  I tried texting you and you haven’t answered so I’m calling now.  I was hoping to see you today…call me or text me and let me know what’s going on.  Bye.”

I frowned as I ended the voice message.  I hoped Harry was alright, he wasn’t answering my messages and he didn’t pick up when I called.  This wasn’t like him.

I waited ten minutes for Harry to call me back before I decided to just go and see him at his apartment.  I walked from my apartment to his, picking up my pace when I starting getting close.

“Harry?”  I called out after opening the door with the spare key he had given me.

I looked around, nothing seemed out of place.

“Harry?”  I called out again, but there was no response.

I pulled out my cellphone and tried calling him again.  I figured if he were here his phone would ring and lead me to him.

I heard his phone go off and I looked down to find it sitting on the table.  I cancelled the call and walked around in the apartment, searching the kitchen, the bathroom, and lastly, his room.  He wasn’t here and wherever he went, he didn’t have his phone with him.

Maybe he had gone to run a quick errand and that was why he didn’t take his phone.

I’ll just wait here for him, I thought.  I laid down on his bed and cuddled his pillow, it smelt like him.


“Harry?!”  I jolted up in the bed, woken up by the sound of my phone going off.

I let out a disappointed breath once I realized Harry wasn’t here and checked my phone.  It was Faye.


“Dair, where are you?”  Faye asked worriedly.

“I-I’m at Harry’s.”  I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

“Oh.  Okay, I’ll let you go then.”

“No, it’s okay.  Harry’s not here.”

“What?  Where is he?!”

“I don’t know…”  I said simply.

“Dair, you shouldn’t be there all alone.  Does he know you’re there?”

“I don’t know.”  I said again, feeling the sting of tears in my eyes.  “I texted him and called him and got no answer so I came here and he wasn’t here and he left his phone here so I figured I’d just wait here for him.”

“It’s been six hours, Dair.  If he hasn’t shown up, I don’t think he’s going to.”

“Yes he will.  He’s probably just held up with something, I don’t mind waiting for him.”  I strained my eyes, fighting back the tears.

“Dair, I think you should come home.”  She said softly.

“No.  He’ll show up.  I know he will.” 

I started to cry as I remembered mine and Harry’s conversation from last night when he called me.

“Goodbye, Dair.”

The way he said it…I had a strange feeling something was off, like he was really saying goodbye.

“He wouldn’t leave me.”  I sobbed.

“Dair, you shouldn’t be there, and even worse, you shouldn’t be there alone.  I’m coming to get you.”

I sniffled.  “Okay.”

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