Chapter 44

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Chapter 44


Bursting through the doors of the hospital, I ran as fast as I could to the counter, not even caring if people saw me zip past them.  I had to get to Dair.

“Excuse me!”  I shouted at the woman sitting behind the counter, also smacking my palm against the marble to get her to turn around.

She quickly whipped around.  “Yes?  How may I help you?”

“Dair….I need to see Dair.”  I said urgently.

“Does she have a last name?”

“I don’t know her last name unfortunately but how many Dairs could you have here?!”  I spat.

“Young man, you’re going to have to calm down.”

“Please, just tell me where she is.  Please.”  I pleaded.

The woman gave me a stern look before turning to her computer.  She typed something in and searched the information displayed on her screen.

“Are you a cousin of hers?”  The woman asked.

“No.  I’m her boyfriend.”

The woman frowned.  “I’m sorry, I can only give her information out to family members.”

“She doesn’t have any family!”  I yelled.

“If you don’t calm that temper of yours, I’m going to call security and have you thrown out.”  The woman warned.

I huffed and tried to calm myself down.  “If you check her information it should say that her parents died almost two years ago.  She doesn’t have any siblings and no other close family members.  I’m all she has.”

“I’m sorry.  I can’t give you the information.  If she wakes up and gives us permission to give you information on her then I will but for now, I’m afraid I can’t.”

“What do you mean IF she wakes up?!  What’s wrong?!  Is she alright?!”  I panicked, raising my voice again.

The woman maintained her calm posture as she glared at me.  “I told you I can’t tell you anything.”

I let out a loud grunt of frustration as I turned my back to her, clenching my fists at my sides.  My head felt like it was going to explode from how angry and annoyed I was.  What was happening to Dair?  Was she alive?  Why wasn’t she awake?  What was going on?

Out of desperation, I turned back to the woman behind the counter, her eyes instantly shot up to look at me.  I reacted quickly, capturing her eyes with mine as she succumbed to me.

“Tell me where Dair is.”  I commanded.

“Second floor.  Down the hall and to your right.”  She answered in a monotone voice.

“Thank you.”  I said simply as I quickly turned on my heel and headed towards the stairwell.

Once I got up to the second floor and made my way to the area that the woman at the desk had directed me to, I heard voices and rapid beeping sounds.

There was a person lying on the bed a few feet away, surrounded by doctors and nurses.  I knew just by the scent that it was Dair.

“Dair!”  I called out.

I rushed towards her only to be stopped by one of the doctors who appeared in front of me, trying to hold me back.

“Sir, you’ll have to stand back.”

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