Chapter 46

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Chapter 46


I strolled up the pathway towards the café, my hands in the pockets of my jeans, staring at the ground as I walked.

My head shot up when I caught a mixture of different scents…one was Dair’s, the other scent or scents, were of vampires.

I sprinted towards the café, gradually increasing my speed as I started to panic.

“DAIR!”  I shouted just as I saw Jack and Faye walking away from the café, Dair seemingly unconscious in Jack’s arms.

They whipped around and Jack quickly muttered something to Faye before she held her palm out to me.

Instantly, I felt intense pain spreading through my insides.  I let out a grunt as my knees buckled and I fell.  I clutched my stomach with one hand while trying to hold myself up with the other.

I forced my head up, wincing as I did.  My vision started to blur prompting me to squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head in an attempt to clear it.  I couldn’t give in.  I couldn’t let them take Dair.  I couldn’t let them take her to him.  He promised me she’d be left alone.  But I should’ve known not to trust him.

I tried to force myself to stand, but I couldn’t, the pain was just too intense.  I looked up, feeling my heart sink as I took one last look at the one I loved more than anything, and my vision blurred over, darkness pulling me down into its realm.


When I came to, Faye and Jack were long gone, having taken Dair with them.  I stood up and pulled out my cellphone, immediately redialling the number that had called me the previous night.

“Ah, Harry, how nice of you to call.”  The vampire hunter’s overly confident voice rang from the other line.

“You son of a bitch, you promised me you would leave Dair alone if I surrendered myself to you!  You promised me that no harm would come to her!”  I said angrily, gritting my teeth.

“And I kept my promise.  Dair is just fine.”  He said calmly.

“Just fine?!  You sent Faye and Jack to kidnap her!  I just arrived to see them walking away with her, Dair was unconscious!  Don’t fucking tell me she’s just fine!”

“You certainly have a temper when it comes to this girl don’t you?”  He said with a chuckle.  He was mocking me, finding amusement in what he was putting me through.

“Let her go…Please...Let her go…”  I begged in defeat.

“Oh now don’t cry.  Your precious Dair is fine, just unconscious for now and a little tied up.”  He let out another breathy chuckle before continuing.  “And she’ll remain unharmed if you surrender yourself like we agreed last night when I called you.”

“There was another part of our agreement.”  I reminded him in a firm tone.

Another breathy chuckle from his end.  “Yes, I know.  I can’t quite talk about that right now but rest assured I haven’t forgotten about that and as long as you hold up your end of our agreement, I’ll hold up mine.”

“Tell me where you are.”  I said urgently.

He gave me his location, also adding that he would have liked Faye and Jack to bring me as well when Faye knocked me out but they didn’t follow through with that.  But he didn’t seem too distraught, just overly confident.

“Oh and Harry,” He spoke just as I was about to end the call.

“What?”  I responded sharply.

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