Chapter 38

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Chapter 38


My eyes slowly opened as I turned to stare at Dair’s sleeping form in front of me while trying to remember what had happened.

I tried to shift onto my side to face her, wincing and gritting my teeth as pain shot through me like pins and needles.  I looked down at my stomach, it was healed completely but some of the pain still lingered.

I ignored the stinging pain in my arm as I laid on my side.  I figured that cut hadn’t healed at all.

Dair started to stir, her eyes slowly opening and peering up at me.

“Hi...”  She said sleepily.

I smiled.  “Good morning.”

“Are you still hurt?”  She asked instantly.

“My stomach is healed, there’s just some lingering pain, but not to worry, it will go away eventually.”  I reassured her.

“Did the bullet come out?”

“No, the bullet stays inside me.”  I answered.

Her eyes widened.  “Harry!  You have to get it out!  No wonder you’re not healing!”

“Dair, calm down.  It’s healed, look.”  I lifted the blanket up to show her my healed stomach.  “The bullet stays in my body but because I’m a vampire my body breaks the bullet down until it’s nothing, so it can’t do any harm.”

She relaxed, resting her head back onto the pillow.  But I still sensed a bit of worry off of her.

I reached a hand up, cupping the side of her face as I gave her a warm smile.  “I’m okay, Dair.  I promise.”

She frowned as she kept her eyes focussed on me.

“It was so lovely of you to take care of me.”  I commented, earning a small smile from her.

“I always want to help you any way I can.  I’d do anything for you, Harry.”

I didn’t doubt her words for a second.  I didn’t have to sense her sincerity to know just how honest she was when it came to expressing how much she cared about me.

My smile faded as I looked away from her, haunting thoughts of Dair in that burning warehouse forcing themselves into the front of my mind.

“What’s wrong, baby?”  She asked sweetly.

My lips curved up just a touch at the cute name she had started to call me once she knew I liked it.

I turned to her, frowning.  “I almost lost you yesterday.  I know it’s not the first time but…it was so close.  You weren’t breathing and I was so scared that I was too late…”

“I almost lost you as well.”  She piped up.  “That vampire hunter got really close to you, he could have killed you.  He almost did.”

“I can heal.  You can’t.”  I stated flatly.

“You can’t heal from a wooden stake being plunged into your heart, Harry!”  She raised her voice at me.

I cowered back a little, taken aback by her sudden outburst.  “I know.”  I managed to say.

We both looked down and sighed.

“I just…can’t help but wonder if things would be safer if I went somewhere-”

“You’re not leaving me again?!”  Dair shrieked, eyes wide with disbelief.

I frowned as I tried to avoid her gaze.  “Not forever…I was just thinking I could leave to lure the vampire hunter and Jack and Faye away and I’d return when everything was fine again.”

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