Ch 5: our conversation

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"Namjoon we need to talk about the video and comments, as well as what we are going to do." said the CEO while looking at Namjoon. He was remember his conversation with his sweet girlfriend.

At the CEOs office

RapMon POV

We sat down and he starting talking with the manager about the Comeback, songs, where is going to be, honestly I was not paying attention. I was thinking about her. I recall the conversation that we had earlier.

Flashback 2hrs ago...when rap mon lock him self in his room and his  cell phone rang. (Girlfriend and no, not gfriend) (RM- Namjoon)

My phone rang and our picture of when I saw her last time, showed up on my phone. *breath in and out* I picked up.

Girlfriend- "Namjoon oppa" her voice, her sweet voice is what I need right now. That is when I broke down. I put my hand over my mouth so she wouldn't hear me cry.

Girlfriend: Namjoon oppa

Her sweet voice

I wiped from my tears and tried not to cry

Girlfriend: "Namjonie- its ok to cry sometimes, you have to let it out and it's ok. I'm here for you."

That's it, I broke down and started sobbing, and I heard the members talking outside of my room.

Girlfriend- "Namjonie, you want to talk or video chat."

RM- "Umm...*sniff* can we *sniff* video chat? *sniff* I need to *sniff* see you please"

Girlfriend- "Sure of course, although I only have one hour since it's my lunch."

RM- "That's all I need."

We hanged up and I opened my laptop, ready to skype. She calls me and I wipe off my tears really quick.

Girlfriend-"Anyo Namjonie, I miss you and it's ok to be broken down."

I just look at her, not smiling because I wasn't in the mood.

Girlfriend- "Namjonie, I want you to smile for me please, please, please" she was begging me but I didn't smile

Girlfriend- "don't smile then, but I want to show you something."

She stood up and walked out of the frame. While she did that I heard Jin scold Jungkook. It wasn't his fault, I should have being stronger and not show emotions.

~2 minutes later~

She came back to frame and she showed me a video of her student dancing to an early song of BTS. The kids were dancing to DOPE. They were even dressed up. They all had the costume that we wore during the dope M/V. (above in the media)

Girlfriend- "The kids wanted to do something for Halloween so I told them to dress up and my friend hayze *points at an Asian looking woman, around her age dressed up as a doctor* and I, showed them the dance. They were really fast learners, you see Lee-Ann here, *she points at a cute small girl with pony tails, dressed up as a race car driver* she loves BTS, her bias is J-Hope and she helps her classmates with the dance. Also jay here,*she points at a boy with glasses and he is dressed up as a detective* he has some difficulties learning the material so we come up with songs to help him learn. We use your beats as back up and he scores really high on test." she sounded so proud of her students.

That made smile. She smiled too.

"Hey are you wearing my costume in the video from the M/V?"

"Oh umm...yeah...hehe"

"You look good in it" *wink, smiles*

Girlfriend- "I look good in everything. Just kidding. And you see, I love it when you smile *long pause* Namjonie *pause* I did see the video. My friend Hayze showed it to me since she loves BTS, especially Jin. *she winks* I'm so happy that you told the public about us, but-"

RM- "Please no buts, I just want to see you happy. I don't want you to feel guilty of what I did. I know that you are blaming yourself but don't. Just know that it was, my decision. I want you to know that you matter a lot to me and that I will never leave you." i told her. I would never leave her. Not even for the most fame in the world, or all the money in the world. I love her a lot. WE have being together for a while.

Girlfriend- "Namjonie, I know that. I want to tell you that you matter so much to me and I don't want to see you losing fans because of me." She looked down and started tearing up.

RM- "It's ok, you matter the most to me as well as BTS. Remember when we had our first date."

Namjoon took out a broken seashell from his bag.

RM- "We watched the sunset and the ocean sparkling, and I told you that the only thing that will separate me from you is that ocean, well we are still together not physically but mentally and in each other's heart."

Girlfriend-"I remember when we walking and you threw sand at someone in an accident and the guy got up and we started running away. Ha-ha that was so much fun. Once we stopped

RM- "I saw a seashells picked it up, broke it in two and we sat down, then you laid down on my lap and slowly drifted to sleep"

Girlfriend- "I'm sorry for sleeping in our first date.

RM- "Don't worry, I understand that you were tired that day because you were studying for your final exams."

Girlfriend- "And you took me out for a date knowing that"

RM- "I know, I just wanted to see you before I went back to Korea the next morning."

Girlfriend- "Namjonie have you checked out the new comments? In the video?"

"Na they are probably as mean as the first ones." i waved it off

The door in her classroom opened and she looked startled, good thing that her computer was not facing the door. She told her student to line up outside for music class.

Girlfriend- "sorry but I have to go Namjonie, lunch is over, and is music time. I'll talk to you when I get home or you call me when you can and smile ok, remember that you have other ARMYS that are there for you, like my friend and my students and specially me.

We kissed throughout the screen and she waved and smiled. I did the same (GIF above). She hanged up.

I really miss her.

"Yah, namjoon are you listening"

I came back to earth "sorry what were you talking about?"

"We were asking you questions that had to do with your girlfriend as well as with the new M/V"

"Oh yea, so what have you decide?"

"Well we decided, of course if you agree that *whispers*"

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