Ch. 13: Precious memory

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update, inspired by the song in the media, all of me by John legend.
Namjoons POV

I was tossing and turning, I got up and walked to get a water bottle, I miss Jessica so much, I want to hear her voice, see her face, I really need her. I walked back to my room then i saw Jin in front of his room.
"Can't sleep?" I asked him.
"Nope, I want to talk to hayze, I kind of miss her, my heart beats really fast when ever I think about her and when I close my eyes, I see her smile, her perfections you know"
"I know I understand that"
"NamJoon, when you started dating Jessica, you weren't scare,?"
"Honestly, I was, i know how fans are, but I couldn't let her slip away you know, I couldn't stop thinking about her"
"Yea, I want to call hayze, but she is in a cabin with Jessica and her family, sucks really"
"Yeah, I'm going to sleep now, night Jin"
"Night NamJoon"

~- back at his room-~
I sat on my bed and pull out a small box, in there were letters that Jess has sent me, pictures of her and some of her and students, I grabbed her graduation picture that we took together and a selca.

"Ok, 1 2 3, smile" said Jessica's mom. I snaked my arm around her waist and held her close, we were dating for 1 year then, but it seemed longer. She put her arms around my neck and we smiled for the picture, then she turned to me, we were close and I pull her towards me and kissed her, I heard a click sound, her mom took us a picture. Both of her parents smiled and awwed at the moment, some seconds later we pull apart. Jess was smiling really wide, but I had to tell her some news,
"Jess, umm can we talk" I told her, her smile felt and looked worried.

"Mom, we'll be back" she said while giving her mom the diploma and her hat.

she had her hair down straight, minimum make up, what ever is left of her lip gloss, red heels, a simple black dress a little above her knees that hugged her body, she looked beautiful. We sat down in her schools gazebo, there was no one around,

"Namjoonie, what is it?"
"Don't hate me but-"
"Namjoonie just tell me, I won't hate you"
I took a deep breath and held her hand pulled her close to me
"I'm going back to Korea"
*silence, all that was heard were the birds chirping, it was like this for 2 whole minutes
"Oh, when?" She whispered
"Tomorrow night" I felt her hand leave mine, but that feeling of loneliness was soon gone when I felt her arms hugging my back.
"Namjonie, I knew you had to go back, you have being here for a while, and I knew that eventually you had to leave" she said, I felt warm water on my white shirt and noticed that Jessica was crying silently,
"Jess, please, we will still talk everyday, I promise"

"Don't worry, this is your dream and I understand, I know that I will see you again, I know that I'll see you even though you might not see me, I will watch every concert of yours, on YouTube, your appearances on shows, your teasers, BTS bombs, your m/vs, buy your albums, other merchandise, I'll be your number 1 fan Namjoonie" she said, that was really sweet,

"You don't have to buy albums, because I will send them to you before anybody else has them, you don't have to buy anything because I will send you gifts, you don't have to follow me on Twitter because I will text you before Any concerts, fan meets, appearances, you only have to love me, even though I'm not there physically and know that we will see each other again" I told her while hugging her tightly, I didn't want to let go, I had some tears in my eyes as well.

That day, we spend it together with her family, her parents accept me even if I'm from a different ethnicity than them, her little niece adores me, but likes Jungkook more, we went to visit her grandma at the cemetery a day before her graduation, she told her everything, even introduced me, I talked to her grandma as well.

The next day, after her graduation,

I woke up next to her, she'd still had her eyes close, she was breathing slowly, her chest rising her arm was around me, I was like her teddy bear, I didn't  want to wake her up but I wanted to Make her breakfast. I slowly took her arm off me with out waking her up, she shifted a little but went back to sleep. I kissed her forehead and got out, I made her pancakes and fresh orange juice, then cut up some strawberries and placed them with her breakfast, I went upstairs and put her breakfast next to her bed, her family went out for the and left Jessica and me alone for the whole day.

"Jess, baby, wake up"
She shifted a little and woke up slowly, she smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I made you breakfast, your favorite, pancakes and fresh orange juice" she got fully up and at that moment I saw her with her pjs, well she was wearing my shirt and her shorts, but I couldn see the shirt only, I got nervouse and blushed, she notice
"NamJoon, you're blushing, is it because of me?"
"Umm, well you are wearing my shirt and I can't see your shorts" I told get while eating a strawberry,
"Hey that's mine and about the shorts, I'm not wearing any" after hearing that I started to choke,
"NamJoon, here drink some, sorry, I'm kidding see" she lifted the shirt and I saw the red shorts, I also saw her flat belly, it's not like I haven't seen her body before....wait....not like that...I have only seen her because I will walk in on her at times...we haven't done anything ok.

After she finshed her breakfast and I ate my cereal, we stayed in, watched a couple of movies and dance a little to BTS and got7, she dances really well, she could be a back up dancer, even an idol because I have heard her sing before.
"What's this song" I asked her. There was a song playing in English, there was a piano melody

"It's all of me by John legend" she said
"Can we dance it, Will you teach me to slow dance"
"Sure come here" she grabbed my arms she put one of them on her waist and the garbed my hand gently, with hers, she put one hand on my shoulder and the other holds mine we Intertwine or hands. She started moving side to side and I followed her lead. I was getting good, she was teaching me turns, "picture us dancing like this at our wedding" I told her while I hugged her fully and her arms on my neck, our foreheads touching and our lips one inch apart.
"NamJoon, I picture that everyday, us on the dance-floor, slow dancing, you in a suit, me with a white long white wedding dress, and being Mrs. Kim, I picture that everyday" she started crying,
"Shh why are you crying"
" because it's almost time for you to go back"

I kissed her fully on the lips while pulling her closer to me, I'm going to miss this lips, after a few minutes of making out, we pull apart, and stay looking at each other, we were communicating with our eyes. I saw pain, but happiness in her eyes.

"You want to take me now, I can't miss the flight, manager will kill me, we are all supposed to be there by tomorrow" I didn't want to let go but I had to, once at the airport I put on my sunglasses, coat, snapback on, I kissed her one last time, and  I was off, I was far away from here, I turned back and she smiled at me shine tearing up. I will miss her.
Flash back end

I put back the box where it was, except for our picture together, I drifted to dreamland

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