ch 17: Running man pt 4

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"Now, we are going to play the pepero game, the princes will play rock, paper, scissors to see who will play and who will sit out in this game"

It was
jihyo and gary
Hayze and jin
kwangso and jackson
Jessica and namjoon

They were all small, exept jacksons and kwangso , there's was 10cm long.
Jihyo and Gary's was 3 cm long
Hayze and Jins was 5cm long, hayze was nervouse and bit it.

Now it was namjoons and Jessica's turn.
They step up Jessica was the one holding it and NamJoon was going to be the one eating it.
They started NamJoon looked into Jessica's eyes, everybody was hoping that they didn't win while hayze and Jin were hoping that the couple kissed on tv. NamJoon was getting closer and closer until.

The pocky stick broke, this meant that hayze and jihyo won.






As NamJoon was closing in, he felt Jessica pulling away but he pulled her in and kissed her, making the pocky disappear. The kiss lasts for about 7 seconds then he pulled back.
Jessica was surprised some gasped, some cheered others clapped, and hayjin couple were silently clapping. The winners were NamJoon and Jessica. The director were called cut.

The manager of BTS called us up. He took us to the van.
"Hey Jessica"
"Hey manager-nim, how are you?" she said while giving him a hand shake
"Im doing good, just busy with the boys, and you how are things back in the states"
"They are good, nothing new I guess."
He turned towards NamJoon

"NamJoon, you just kissed her, on camera" he pointed at me.

"Yea manger, I kissed her because she is my girlfriend and I kissed her" 

"I'm not upset about that. I don't want this to air unless the fans know that she is your girlfriend or that my boss know that you did this." 

"Yes sir, I just couldn't resist, I'm sorry"

Jessica was just standing there awkwardly.

"Well, I'm ok with either or, honestly, I mean we have Being together for 3 years, I feel like now is the time, of course is up to namjoon and the company" she said backing away a little.

"I want to reveal it, I want to show my girlfriend to the world, the fans and everybody.

"Ok, I'll talk to my boss about it and we will see how he reveals it and if he will let you two reveal it now or later." With that he got out of the van and walked away, we still had 3 minutes until they started filming again.

NamJoon looked at Jessica in the eyes and held her hands.

"I'm sorry for not being able to take you out in public much, I'm sorry for not being able to call you mine when ever we are out, I'm sorry for not posting about us on social media, I'm sorry for not being with you all the time, heck for even missing about half of our relationship, I'm sorry for being an idol." He was serious and had tears forming in his eyes. I hugged him and then kissed him in the lips. He kissed back, after 2 minutes we parted and the manager came to get us.

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