Ch.34: "I Do"

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After the engagement they enjoyed the park for a while longer. The couple wouldn't let go of each other but they had to since they had to get ready to go somewhere important the next day
They woke up and started to get ready.

I can't stop staring at my ring. Finally engaged. And my family was there to witness it. I just wish my dad was there, but I know he is watching from above. I checked social media and there were positive messages, congrats from fans and other people. In my private account I saw that people sent me pictures and videos of my reaction. It looks fantastic. Everybody, even Ari was part of it. But today's is not my wedding, it is my friends wedding. Mark is finally sealing the deal. What is more important is that it is a small ceremony and family and friends are allowed.

I got ready and Ari did as well. NamJoon was wearing black jeans and a button down navy blue shirt with a black blazer. He slicked his blond hair back. I was wearing a simple cream colored dressed that reached to my knees, fitted in the top but loose from my waist down, with black heels and left my hair down, simple make up. Ari was wearing a red dress and her small white heels. I know it is a small ceremony but we like to look nice. I looked at my ring once more and smiled. I did Aris hair and NamJoon was ready. We headed out to marks home. The guys were meeting us there. The car took us there

We were out side of a church when the guys arrived. They all looked nice and I hugged each Of them.

It was time for the ceremony. We all sat down and I noticed mark was in the front. Next to him was Jackson and Joseph, He was the ring barer. Then I saw a girl on the opposite side. She was Marks sister. She was the maid of honor. She had a simple long red dress that I loved. Ari stood up after marks mom called her. Ari was the flower girl.
Then the music started. Her comes the bride. I saw Ari scattering flowers as she walked in front of the bride. She had a fitted white dress and a veil covering her face. She was smiling and her father was giving her away. Her mom sat on the opposite side emailing and crying for her daughter. Ari came and sat next to Me after she was done. My friend gave her bouquet to marks sister. Her dad gave her away to mark and gave him a hug.

"We are all gathered here to witness the Union of two families. Here we come to one and this two love birds will finally form an, we will exchange rings"

Jackson stepped up and gave the rings to the couple.

They each said their bows, she went first.

"Tuan YiEun, Mark, I remember when I first met you. It was at a skate park. No I wasn't skating but I wanted to give it a try. I had bought my first skateboard and helmet. I had knee pads and elbow pads. This was some years ago. Anyways, a lot of the poeple there saw me and laughed but you came to me and told me not to listen to them. You told me that if I wanted to skate, you will teach me. You were just a trainee at that time and I was a girl going to beauty school. We will meet at the skatepark often,but then you stopped coming. I didn't know why. I still went but I was upset because you weren't there. I started to give up on you. Fast forward a couple years later and you appeared on my tv. You were an idol then and I understood why we couldn't meet anymore. You moved to another country, with out telling me. That's what I thought. I found your letter and it said that you were offing, you were accepted as a trainee and will debut as a kpop Idol, you promised that when you became famous you will send me tickets to see you. But they never came. I graduated from school and went to Korea to visit my aunt. She arranged for me to work as a make up artist in jyp. I was nervous but excited. When I started to work was assigned to got7 it was that time I saw you again. Then you saw me your eyes sparked and you hugged me I was on verge of tears. We started dating soon after, and then I'll let you tell the rest, I will always be there for you. I love you"

"Mark your turn" said he priest.

"Well, when I saw, I got something, I instantly like you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. When I was accepted. The company, I was conflicted, but then i realized that if we were meant to be we Will meet each other again. After some years I saw you again and it was then that I realized to not let you go and to date you. Our relationship had to be hidden infer, but I wanted to make it public and I will protect you. As we made it public, we received hate but also shippers and the igot7s were happy for us, that's when I realized that I wanted more than a relationship, I wanted to marry you. I proposed to you in a concert, and you said yes, that was the happiest day for me. All the members congratulated us, the fans did as well. Although we have being engaged for 2 years, it is time to change the engagement ring to a wedding ring. I love you. I will be there for you all the time" he smiled and kissed her hand.

They exchanged the ring and he took off her veil and kissed her. We all clapped. We stood up and they made their way down the aisle.

We went to marks parents house and there was a party waiting for them.
"Hey babe, let's go to dinner tonight, to celebrate our engagement with Ari. Our flight is tomorrow afternoon. So I want to celebrate tonight with you. Mark said they were leaving tonight anyways. The rest of got7 is staying. They want to be alone. "
"Ok let's go to dinner" I told him. He smiled. We said by to everybody and Ari did as well. We were happy for them, I mean after 2years of being engaged.

We arrived at the restaurant and NamJoon had reservations we had a private booth. We ordered our drinks.

"So when do you want to get married?"

"Umm, not sure, you guys are still busy maybe on the next break"

"You know that will be after the MAMA awards."

"I don't mind that. It is 2 months or so from now so we should be ok, when do you find out if you guys have being nominated?"

"We heard a rumor that we might be nominated and we might be performing"
"Wow that's amazing, but do you think our engagement will affect the votes if you are nominated?"

"Naa, our real Fans will vote for us no matter what"

"That's great congrats"

I heard my phone and it was from big hit.

"Hello BANG pdnim" "are you serious" "wow, open it" "read it please" "OMO me?! Really? Me?" "Yes, he is here with me, sure I'll let them know, thank you so much"

"Are you ok honey?"

"BANG pdnim just called me, and I'm nominated for a Korean music award, as in for choreographer of the year, can you believe it?"

"Oh that's great congratulations, you deserved it"he hugged me and kissed me. Ari hugged me as well. We were eating at this point.

"So Ari, are you happy?"

"Yes, mom will get an ward, BTS will be nominated for an award, and I'm going to have a father. Yeii!!" She threw her hands on the air. We finished eating and headed back home. We had our flight in the morning. At 6am and it is 1:00 am so here comes 4 hours of sleep since we have to get ready to sleep. Ari layer down on her bed and NamJoon and I layer down together.

"When did you get the ring?"

"Hours before I proposed, the guys came with me"

"Talking about proposal, pdnim wants us to do an interview about our engagement tomorrow when we arrive. He said its for a talk show, Seoul daily with Lee SoMi."

"Sure we will tell them what we know and what we want ok" I nodded. I looked at the ring once more, yes I sleep with it.

"Its nice, I really love it, thank you" we kissed and went to sleep. We weren't going to do anything since Ari was in the room.

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