Ch. 36: A star is born

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We arrived at the airport after a 13 hr flight. Ari was sleeping and NamJoon was carrying her. "Isn't she heavy?" "Naa, besides she is so cute"
We all went back to the dorms.
"Hey babe, BANG pdnim wants to see us, he says its urgent"
"Umm can we take Ari too, I don't want to leave her alone and the guys need their rest"
"sure lets take her" we left the dorm. Ari was wake by now. We got on the car and I drove us there.
We arrived, I parked and got off. We walked to bang pd nims office.
"Hello bang pdnim" we all bowed.
"He'll welcome back" he hugged us. "Congrats on the engagement"
"Thank you"
"Can I see the ring" I showed it to him, "beautiful I remembered when I proposed to my wife, but enough about me, Ari why don't you go say hi to your uncles" she nooded happily and left. "Now, I want to congratulate you Jess on being nominated for choreographer of the year so here" he gave the nomination enveloped and I noticed that it was for the song "fire" I was really proud of the boys and myself. "Now, I want you both to collab on a song"
"But pdnim I'm not a BigHit artist"
"I know that, and I will like you to collab with him. I have heard you sing. When ever you are alone in the practice room, you sing and will rap sometimes, don't think I haven't noticed. And I like the song you were singing."
"What were you singing?" Asked NamJoon.
"It's a song called home" he nooded.
"So I know that you wrote a song for another artist but they refused to sing it. I want you to sing it with NamJoon"
"Really, how do you think that will go?"
"I think it's a great idea, I will love to sing that song with you"
"It is settle then you will record the song with him and you will perform in a week"
"ok, NamJoon and I Will go practice the song"
"Remember you have an interview, but they will come here and it will be live but no audience ok"
"Yes sir"
"That is all you can leave and Jess I want to see the best"
"Don't worry about that sir, NamJoon and I will do a great job"
We left and saw Ari dancing to dancing King by exo.

"You know she will be a star someday" I told him while we watched her from outside.
"She is already a star, my star" said NamJoon.
We went in, hey sweety.
"Hey momma"
Another song started playing.
"Mom lets dance this, appa can you record us please?"
Ari and I started dancing

After we were done I lift her up and hugged her.
"I want to dance with appa, please appa"
"Sure, what song?"
"Umm I got a good one"
She asked towards her iPad and changed the sing. I started to record them.

They high fives and hugged each other.
"That was great, I love it"
"I learned something new can I show you"
"Of course."
The music started and she started to dance

"You are great Ari" she smiled.
"Ari, umm I got a called earlier saying that they want you to appear on dancing King, kids edition, do you want to be in it?"
"Really mom! I will love it omg mom yeah yeah"
"What will you dance to Ari?"
"Umm tae mins danger, it will be awesome"
"Alright sweety, do you want to practice with me starting tomorrow?"
NamJoon and I started to harmonized and we went to the recording studio to sing my part and he will rap to his. We were doing the duet festival. I remember me and him wrote this song together.
We practiced a lot. And managed to record everything.
*interview time*
"Hello. Welcome I am Lee EunBi, and I'm your host, today I am at BigHit entertainment for a special first ever couple interview with Kim NamJoon aka RapMonster of BTS and famouse choreographer Jessica, hello thank you for having me"
"Our pleasure"
"Let's get to it, you are now engaged and work together constantly, how do you have couple time?"
"Well we work together but we don't really see each other until we come home, I tend to work with BTS in their choreographies so I will see him there. I will go to his concert and tv appearances when ever I am not working, and that is how we spend time together"
"That sounds great, now I know that you have a daughter, how does she feel about all this?"
"Well, she loves NamJoon, she also gets along with her uncles. I don't have any brothers so she was just happy when she found out she will have uncles now"
"NamJoon how do you feel about having a step daughter."
"Well she is not my step daughter, she is my daughter. I love her, she makes my day brighter she is my motivation to do great on stage and not let people get to me"
"I understand, so Ari goes to a private school were many of the idols kids go to, how does she feel there?"
Well she is with the older kids because she skipped grades"
"She has an IQ of 170 which is higher than mine"
"Wow, she is very smart"
"Yea she is"
"Talking about Ari, she is right here am I right?"
"Yes, she is right there"I pointed at her.
"Can we see her please?"
"Sure, Ari come here" she went and sat on my lap
"You have beautiful eyes"
"Thank you, you are very pretty"
"Aww thank you so much Ari, I heard that you love to dance am I right"
"Yes, I sing and dance and I can play the violin, piano and guitar"
"Wow you are not only smart and beautiful but multi talented."
"Thank you, I learned form mom"
"Did you learn dancing form NamJoon"
"Sure. Yes go with that"
"Ari how Do you feel about your mom marrying an idol"
"He is not just an idol, he is my dad and a very great person, I'm glad mom is marrying him, i can teach him how to dance and he can teach me how to rap"
"That is so cute"
"You have a project coming up am I right"
"Yes, we will be performing at the duet song festival together"
"That is fantastic well we can't wait to see that and congratulations on your engagement, now Ari will you like to dance for us?"
"Sure, can I dance to anything?"
"Ofcourse" Ari put the music on and started to dance (pretend it's just her ok)

After the interview there were several positive comments. A lot of them were speculating our duet song, others were saying how awesome Ari was and how they watch her video everyday. Several say that we make a great couple and how we communicate wth each other with our eyes. There were some negative but no time for haters.
As we went to the practice room so see what we were going to do, Namjoonie a call.

NamJoon POV.
"Hello, NamJoon is me tiger jk how are you?"
"Hi hyung, I'm doing well just with my fiancée and daughter"
"Oh family time, well I want to know if you want to have dinner with me and my wife and our son"
"Sure hyung today?"
"Yes tonight, we made reservations at seol food"
"Yes alright we will be there by 7pm"
He hung up.
"Hey babe we are going to dinner with yoonmirae, tiguerjk hyung and their son"
"That sounds great, we should get going I think we practiced enough"
"Alright let's go Ari"
They all left BigHit and went home. Jess had to dress nice since her music role model is yoon mi rae

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